Just reporting that only hours ago, as I was walking through my kitchen and minding my own business but in prayer about the Father's - as is customary for me - I heard His voice strike through me with this word: PLACARD.
I prayed. Then was instructed to Google. When I looked at this definition, it spoke to me of, again, JAPAN and the trying situation still looming there.
Whether the LORD just wants to ALERT us unto more EARNEST PRAYER for Japan, at this time, or whether there be further implications to this "word" ahead ... NOW, WE PRAY! And once again, I thank you for trusting what I hear, enough to just "take it to Him in intercession"! Blessings to each of you, who do so, willingly!
placard is a notice installed in a public place, like a small card, sign, or plaque.[1] It can be attached to or hung from a vehicle or building to indicate information about the vehicle operator or contents of a vehicle or building.
A placard is placed on a building to indicate special information about that building. The most common placard which had been used is the fallout shelter black and yellow trefoil indicating that a building was specifically prepared for use for emergency shelter in the event of a nuclear explosion in the area of the particular building. Temporary placards may be placed on buildings such as warning signs over tenting to indicate the building is being fumigated and that no one should enter.
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