Saturday, November 20, 2010


This "word" came to me for 2011, as I was speaking with a facebook friend this morning:

God is GOOD!

And yes, how we need that attentive ear to hear, "What does the Spirit of God say to us for this New Year coming?" He always speaks that truth and the revelation of it to his servants.

I believe it will be a BIG BANG in the Body of Christ on the earth - 2011! That BANG will wake some, shake some, and will elevate others who are already well on their way!

I believe blind eyes will begin to see ... deaf ears will begin to hear ... and many will begin to look up to the skies ... for things that will begin to take place in the heavenlies! (This just coming now, in the Holy Ghost, as I am writing.)

There will be many who have been walking with their heads hanging down, but now, will be learning that He is indeed the lifter of their head! "Lift up your heads for your redemption draweth nigh!"

Whatever problems, whatever pits you've fallen into, the Deliverer is nigh with mighty deliverance! He will look for ones, He will search for them, seek them out; ones who He can show Himself mighty unto! He will rejoice over them and their reception of His mighty new workings for their lives.

Manifestations of demonstrations of the Spirit of the Living God - all over the earth! A mighty blowing WIND of the SPIRIT OF GOD, coming to sweep mankind! At the same time that the mighty sweeping tide of evil is raging and taking many in its' skirts, the children of God will be called to ARISE AND SHINE - TO REVEAL THE TRUE GLORY OF THE ONE AND ONLY TRUE AND LIVING GOD - THROUGH CHRIST JESUS, HIS SON! REDEMPTION, REDEMPTION, REDEMPTION IS COMING!

Hallelujah! Thank you, LORD!

With More Bold Statements
From The Bird's Eye View
Izzy Herriette & Co/Ginger Renken

Monday, November 1, 2010

Sunday - Oct 31, 2010

I was awakened early this morning to hear the word: "Infraction"

Infraction meaning: BREACH

Then I saw the "Liberty Bell" ...

ultimate freedom, liberty and independence is found only in Christ Jesus, the Son of the One True God; the ONLY ONE by whom man can come to the FATHER and be SAVED!



Praying and hope you are too!

Izzy Herriette & Co/Ginger Renken