Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Prophetic Applications - Multiple

This morning (afternoon - time is flying) I want to share something that the Lord showed me last week. Many times when the Lord speaks to me, what He says, He eventually shows me, is to be applied to more than one particular area or situation. In other words the 'word' given, as He directs, can have multiple applications. For instance:

Last week I was seeking Him regarding a personal matter in my life, actually having to do with a state I seem to find myself in at this time. One day as I was praying before Him, I was led to place my head down on the desk. Immediately I had a vision. In this vision I saw the top right corner of my children's old swing set, from their childhood. In particular, the Lord seemed to be pointing out the silver bracing that held the triangular formation, which in turn held the swing set in place, acting as a support.

  • I'll have to get candid in order to share the first application of this word spoken (Personal):
    • I am presently finding myself feeling very alone in the things that the Lord has called me to do. I have no one, really, around me, to help me with all that I feel I need so much help with. So I was bringing that petition before Him, again. I'm alone and lacking support. (I felt.)

    • Moments later, as I resumed my activities, the Lord spoke to me and said, "Staves. Go now and find the meaning. (On line Bible/Hebrew & Greek).

Stave: beside, branches, alone, only, strength, apart, bars, each, except, beside him, like, themselves; alone, by itself, besides, a part, separation, being alone; separation, alone, by itself; only; apart from, besides; part; parts (limbs, shoots) bars.

Stave: for of the base of; tree, staff, wood, stocks. Wood, that which is made of wood; as a beam from which any one is suspended, a gibbet, a cross; a log or timber with holes in which the feet, hands, neck of prisoners were inserted and fastened with thongs; a fetter, or shackle for the feet; a cudgel, stick, staff; to smooth, by implication (of friction) to boil or heat; pot; a sextarius; a vessel or measuring liguid, holding about a pint; a wooden pitcher or ewer from which water or wine is poured, whether holding a sextarius or not.

Stave: tribe, rod, staff, staves, tribe; staff, branch, tribe; staff, rod, shaft; branch; tribe; company led by chief with staff (originally); stretch out; incline, turn, stretch forth, turn aside, bow, decline, pitched bow down, turn away, spread, stretched out still, pervert, stretch, to spread out; to turn, incline, influence, bend down, hold out, extend, thrust aside, thrust away, wrest, carried aside.

Do you see alone and support in these definitions? Pretty bold isn't it? Quite plain!
  • Second application (Again Personal):
    • I've been sensing the need for a 'staff' for such a long period of time, too. I guess that word is used several times in these definitions also. Yes?
Those things truly spoke directly to my situation and to my supplications before the Lord.
  • Third application (Israel):
    • A few days later, as I was just going through the day, I heard the Lord speak this, "Ginger, Israel is crying out this prayer also, at this time: "Are we alone? Who will support us? Who will stand beside us?"
    • You see the multiple applications here, correct? God is so GOOD!
  • Fourth application (People in the Earth):
    • There are many, in the earth, who are suffering from catastrophes. (Just last week, some of my very close relatives lost all possessions in the floods in Cedar Rapids, IA. They are feeling alone and very fearful about where their support will be coming from.)om now?)
  • Fifth application (The Nations):
    • The nations! Who are they looking to for their support? God? Man? Self reliance? Nations need to be supported by the Maker of all things. But do they desire Him? Or would they rather stand alone?

    • I was astonished a few days ago, while on a grocery run, as I looked at the package of shredded cheese that I'd purchased for $5.80 for four and a half years, which had risen in price over the past month to $7.69 and now had risen to $9.88! I was somewhat stunned! Standing there, thinking about those who are in devastated circumstances already, I feared that the day may come when people can't afford to eat at all. We're all effected. Just then, a gentleman approached the case and stood next to me, looking over the products. I said to him, "So, what do you think of the new price on this?" He looked and then shook his head, literally, to do a double take in disbelief. His comment back to me left me far more uncomfortable than the price of the cheese had: "Well, I just believe that when we finally find the wisdom to surrender ourselves to Socialism, like all of Europe, then we will be taken care of and only then." I couldn't believe that I was hearing an American speak these words to me! Of course, I shared truth with him.)

How completely deceived can we be? And yet the Lord showed me that's exactly what would be coming upon us, years ago (in the seventies - through a vision).

Where does your help/support come from today?
Where is your government's help/support coming from? Who do we all run to for wisdom?

What a timely word this was that the Lord gave! And oh, how we must be covering the earth with our sincerest prayers! There is an urgent call for around the clock intercession on behalf of those called out, seasoned intercessors, for the hour that we are in!

Thank you Lord, for speaking yet once more.

What do your prayers consist of these days?

Psalms 121: 1 - I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help.

James 1: 5 - If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.

Proverbs 29: 2 - When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice; but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn.

Now, follow all of this up with:

Vision (today - 4: 30 A.M.):

I saw an old apron. It was so old that the fabric was hardly able to mesh itself into one piece. The Holy Spirit drew my attention to the left side of the apron where the string was to have been attached. There was a safety pin instead, holding the string to the fraying edge of the apron.


Whose apron strings have you been holding onto for far too long now - it's so old! But we continue to hold fast for safety purposes? Who is our security, again?

On the other hand, there are old things that we should remain attached to (, always and forever. For some reason, we choose rather, not to. Then, our safety and security becomes tremendously compromised!

Attachments. Selah. (Pause and calmly think on that!)

Bless you today! And may you be supported (not be alone) by that triangle: Father, Son and Holy Spirit! He and He alone will be your safety. Stay attached to Him, no matter what comes.

P.S. Have a look at the dictionary definition of 'apron':

Apron: A garment worn to protect the clothing, or for ornament or with official dress; any shielding piece or part, as a screen of leather fastened before the occupants of an open carriage, a covering for an opening in a grain-separator, or a platform to receive the water falling over a dam; a deposit of gravel and sand extending forward from a moraine. To provide with or as with an apron.

See it?

Working Together With Him,

Izzy Herriette