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I've held off reporting this new prophetic dream to you for two days now. The Lord says it's time to release it today:
We have several in our own family who are given to the prophetic by the Spirit of God. Two days ago, one of those (who finds it difficult to admit some of these things), reported to me that they had experienced a dream in the night, where they saw another earthquake and heard a voice saying that it was a 9.4 this time.
On that same night, I had a dream (one like I've never had). I was standing in a room where several of my family had gathered together to complete the finished data for Manifesto-Before the Cock Crows. We had just made a conversion, of type required, and were getting ready to take it to the next level. All at once, the room "immediately and not gradually," filled with nearly ten feet of water! We were swimming in the flood, madly trying to retrieve the data for my book, which my husband was successful to collect. The dream then ended.
As always, I state here in all sincerity, how much I appreciate every reader, every follower and every single one of you who takes the time to pray over things posted here on Izzy Speaking Today.
I want to take things a step further on this day and ask that you begin to pass this blog along to as many as you can. WE NEED PRAY-ERS - DON'T YOU AGREE? PRAY-ERS WHO WILL AGREE TO PRAY OVER THE "REVEALED" THAT COMES FROM THE FATHER!
Become a follower, if you can understand how. I believe that the notices will be sent to your email that way. Someone can correct me if they know differently. If anyone knows how to navigate the "follower sign-on" here, please let me know, if you will. We have had some who couldn't get signed on and I can't explain it from my end.
Blessings to each of you and we speak blessings over the earth at this time!
LORD WAKE US ALL UP! I've been saying this since 2004 and we will continue to say it until the LORD tells us otherwise.
More Bold Statements
From The Bird's Eye View
Izzy Herriette & Co/Ginger Renken
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