Monday, March 29, 2010

Russia - Still Have A Bearing On The Future?

I take very seriously, what I am about to post here. I do not want to be a part of a propaganda that may be falsity. So, in placing this article for your viewing, I do so prayerfully.

Saturday March 27, 2010, I posted a poem that the Lord gave me as I was sitting at my desk working. As the poem was coming to me, I could also see a visual of what I was writing. I knew the meaning of the poem when it was completed. So, I felt instructed to look for a bear to post with the poem, on facebook. In my search, I first found a document from WWII, one of those forms of propaganda dropped from planes at that time. So, I used that for the post. Yesterday, I felt led to look for a different photo. When I saw this one ... well! See for yourself. The article attached is ... I'm not sure of its accuracy.

Here is the poem, followed by the article:

Says the Eagle to the Bear, "I'm trying to FLY.
But it appears that my left wing
Is stuck in my eye.
If my right wing could help me
I'd CONTINUE my flight."

Says the Bear from the ground
With saliva dripping down
"You can count on me,
It will be alright
When you fall I will catch you!
I will save you from your plight!"

"Two Left Shoes!" / 3/27/10

à la Rob

28 January 2009

Eagle vs. Bear: How to play

Filed under: politics — alarob @ 8:54 pm
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It’s pretty simple.

Under President Bush, America pushes a missile defense system in eastern Europe, claiming it’s meant to protect against so-called rogue nations like Iran.

Russia replies that there is an existing radar array in Azerbaijan, built by the Russians, and located just north of Iran. If America would use this location in cooperation with Russia, it would clarify that the system is intended for our joint security and not as a potential strategic advantage against Russia.
America pretends not to hear and makes arrangements to site the missile defense system in the Czech Republic. Close to Russia and a long way from Iran.

Russia makes trouble for America’s small ally, the Republic of Georgia, by supporting separatists in the border regions of Abkhazia and South Ossetia.

During the Olympic Games, Georgia invades South Ossetia with the expectation of an easy victory. (America feigns ignorance of these plans.)

Russian troops defeat the Georgians, then invade Georgia and threaten the capital. They demonstrate that the Republic of Georgia exists on Russian sufferance.

America does nothing, because there is nothing it can do. The Bush administration clings to the missile defense project.

Just after Election Day, Russia announces it will locate missiles in Kaliningrad, capable of hitting targets in the new NATO countries that were once part of the Soviet bloc.

President Obama takes office, and America announces it will “review” the missile defense project.
Russia announces it will not proceed with plans to locate missiles in Kaliningrad.

The game is “tit for tat,” and the rules are simple: When you act like a treacherous felon, so will I. On the other hand, when you behave yourself, so will I.

Izzy Herriette & Co
With More Bold STatements
Coming From THE Bird's Eye View

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Russia, Russia ... What will they do?

March 27, 2010 - Saturday Afternoon

Sitting in my office, working ... I heard this:

Says the Eagle to the Bear, "I'm trying to FLY.
But it appears that my left wing
Is stuck in my eye.
If my right wing could help me
I'd CONTINUE my flight."

Says the Bear from the ground
With saliva dripping down
"You can count on me,
It will be alright
When you fall I will catch you!
I will save you from your plight!"

"Two Left Shoes!" / 3/27/10 

(I have no idea the meaning of this, as yet. I do see, as I've shared in prophecies past on this Blog, just how far left the left is going to go. It could be said that there would no longer be a "right" if the "left" had their way. It also points out how imbalanced things would be in government without both sides functioning together. You can see the implication or the depiction of the "left's" side from the poem as well.)

Izzy Herriette & CoWith More Bold Statements

Coming From THE Bird's Eye View

Changing Form ...

March 27, 2010 - Saturday

I was awakened early this morning to see a plastic container in an "oblong shape." A knife appeared and removed the bottom of the container. The sides released, immediately took on the form of a "circle." New form.

Remove the "foundation/ base/axis" and the "entire" changes shape!

Izzy Herriette & Co
With More Bold Statement
Coming From THE Bird's Eye View

"Two Left Shoes"

Thursday, March 25, 2010

This from the Lord?

This morning, as I was engaged in a conversation with someone regarding our government situation in the U.S.A., I heard the Lord speak these words to me:

"Two left shoes! It's like trying to walk in two left shoes, isn't it? How well does that work?"

Seeking Him!

Izzy Herriette
With More Bold Statement
Coming From THE Bird's Eye View

Monday, March 22, 2010


March 21, 2010 -

Vision Early Morning:

  • I saw an iron plant hanger/arm - holding out a large pot with an enormous green vine - (Interpretation: The arm representing the power; the vine always representing a living, thriving entity; holding out representative of our nation being lifted up as a "model".)
  • Followed by the eyes on a potato - (symbolizing regeneration - as well as - eyes to see) - (Interpretation: Our nation has continually grown in the same direction [reproduced same kind] for many years. Many eyes have looked upon U.S.A. and desired that "seed" for their own "planting".)
  • These words: "Don't expect that you will receive the same outcome from a different 'pattern'; a different 'seed"! - (Interpretation: U.S.A. has built [in past] upon particular principles that yielded a particular outcome!)
  • These words: "Survival vs Revival!"
  • This word: "RHETORICAL!"

rhet·o·ric (rtr-k)
a. The art or study of using language effectively and persuasively.
b. A treatise or book discussing this art.
2. Skill in using language effectively and persuasively.
a. A style of speaking or writing, especially the language of a particular subject: fiery political rhetoric
b. Language that is elaborate, pretentious, insincere, or intellectually vacuous: His offers of compromise were mere rhetoric.
4. Verbal communication; discourse.

All week long the Lord has been bringing back to my remembrance, something that I experienced by the Holy Spirit, approximately three years ago:

I was sitting on the arm of one of our couches in our living room. Suddenly, in the Spirit, I saw a person appear before me "abruptly"! Before I could acknowledge their presence, I saw one of their legs being raised and a beautifully decorated, high-heeled, extremely pointed-toed shoe coming at me with great force and power. The toe of the shoe was being aimed at my loin. Over and over again, the shoe was "gouging" at my loin. Feelings of shock, amazement, astonishment, bewilderment and victimization came flooding over me!

Next, the person disappeared, and now I was looking forward in the direction of the television. There appeared four large yellow umbrellas - each fully opened - standing upright in the air about five feet above the floor. I then saw bulging, muscled arms - one under each umbrella - with strong, clinched fist; each arm came up from beneath, punched (broke) a hole in the umbrella and presented those fists through the tops, arrogantly bragging a VICTORY!

  • Highly decorated high-heeled shoe; (fancy footwork)

rhetoric [ˈrɛtərɪk]n
  1. 1. (Literature / Rhetoric) the study of the technique of using language effectively
    2. (Literature / Rhetoric) the art of using speech to persuade, influence, or please; oratory; excessive orientation, and contrivance in spoken or written discourse; bombastspeech or discourse that pretends to significance but lacks true meaning all the politician says is mere rhetoric

  • Loin:
1 a : the part of a human being or quadruped on each side of the spinal column between the hipbone and the false ribs b : a cut of meat comprising this part of one or both sides of a carcass with the adjoining half of the vertebrae included but without the flank

2 plural a : the upper and lower abdominal regions and the region about the hips b (1) : the pubic region (2) : the reproductive organs

  • Yellow Umbrella: sign of hope in "dark times"
  • Interpretation: Four years(four umbrellas): powerful arm and fist poking hole triumphantly through yellow (hopeful) umbrella: gouging out or destroying through fancy footwork, that regeneration that "was" ongoing?

Izzy Herriette
With Bold Statements
From THE Bird's Eye View

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

I am pondering, interceding and seeking ...

March 9, 2010 - Tuesday afternoon:

The Lord arrested me and an intense time of prayer came and overtook me. After about ten minutes of prayer (extremely pressing prayer) I knew that I needed to be on my face.

The moment I touched the floor this is what I saw:

A globe, and a man's hands wrapped around it. I did not get the impression that it was God's hands that I was seeing but rather those of a man. Pride.

I then saw a male, walking very proudly, with arms swinging; he was taking great strides. In his hands (the Lord brought my attention) was a stack of papers, rolled up and tied with string. This was "indicating" something completed, all rolled up, and bound tightly.

Next, I saw the grill of a vehicle. When I searched for definitions, I couldn't help but notice that the word "framework" appeared time, and time again.

After a short period (about five minutes) of Holy Ghost, absolute stillness and a powerful, powerful presence, I heard these words, "You have been moving toward something and now it is about to come to you. You have been pushing to draw nigh to this, but this is now going to be brought to YOU. The meeting time is about to take place."

I have some inclinations about all of this but don't have the go ahead from the Lord to "say". Please just be praying earnestly for our country, NOW!

Thank YOU - in Jesus!

Izzy Herriette
With Bold Statement
From The Bird's Eye View

Monday, March 8, 2010

Too Much - Too Quickly - Too GOD!

TODAY: Another AWESOME confirmation of a prophetic word:

Excerpt taken from "Manifesto-Before the Cock Crows"
Written by: Ginger Renken (me)
copyright 2004

Chapter Two

Prophetic Surge

For the Earth

In 1989 I was receiving many visions, all having to do with these two things:

• The spiritual desolation of the Church.
• How that desolation was so grieving to the heart of God.

The Church (He revealed to me) was far beneath that which He knew it needed to be for this “particular hour” that we were in.

The Berlin Wall came down. I heard that Kenneth Copeland had prophesied it. I had received a song about it. Song: “I Spoke I Would Bring Walls Down.”


I saw people all over a ground. They were in a mist. They were crying. They were on their knees, crying out to the Lord. They had their hands raised in praise and prayer. They were weeping heavily. They were holding their faces in their hands as they wept. They were weeping heavily. They would rise up and stretch themselves. They were reaching as far as they could towards heaven. Their arms were stretched upward in praise and in calling forth a move of God. They were so stretched that they were literally on their tiptoes. Could they have stretched further, they would have. Up and down they went. Loud praises! Loud crying! Loud weeping! Then the voice of God came, saying, “When I see this, then they will see ME!” (Powerfully moving!)

• I had a very stirring vision of Jesus standing in rain water up to His ankles. He had a shovel in His hand. He was trying to break through ground beneath almost a foot of water. He looked at me and said, “Ginger, even with all this rain, I still can’t break ground! It’s been so dry for so long!”

Compare to: Google - Haiti - A Call to Fasting and Prayer -

Izzy Herriette

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Two "words" this morning:

As I'm going about my day the Lord speaks two very clear words to me:


(I will include more details of research later.)

11:26 p.m.: I was just comfortably laid down for the night and the Lord spoke this and I had a choice to make. So, here it is for us:



Izzy Herriette

March 6, 2010 -

Yesterday morning (early):

I awakened to see a drawing of an "eye" (I believed it to have been my eye), drawn inside a box, just one eye. I saw tears dropping from the "eye." Then appeared another box, drawn directly next to the first, and a little behind the first box toward almost at third of the way inside the box; this one much taller. I saw smoke, dark gray, enormous barreling rolls of smoke, appear. As I looked I saw what to my understanding was the Twin Towers - footage that we all had seen of the horrible tragedy on 9/11/01. That was it. Nothing more.

I am praying for understanding. I think I know its meaning however, just in case I'm missing it, I am still praying for the nation, just in case there is that per chance it may mean something about her safety.

Tonight as I was ready to retire, these are scripture verses that He showed me:

Ezekiel 38:7 - Be thou prepared, and prepare for thyself, thou, and all thy company that are assembled unto thee, and be thou a guard unto them ... thou shalt ascend and come like a storm, thou shalt be like a cloud to cover the land, thou, and all thy bands, and many people with thee. Thus saith the Lord God; It shall also come to pass, that at the same time shall things come into thy mind, and thou shalt think an evil thought; and thou shalt say, I will go up to the land of unwalled villages; I will go to them that are at rest, that dwell safely, all of them dwelling without walls, and having neither bars nor gates, to take a spoil, and to take a prey; to turn thine hand upon the desolate places that are now inhabited, and upon the people that are gathered out of the nations. which have goods, that dwell in the midst of the land ...

(This is the prophetic account against Gog! Sometimes, the Lord uses scripture to reveal the same "type" of application, to an entirely separate situation and time. It is simply a "way" of revelation.)

Revelation 18:7-9 - (vs 8,9) - Therefore shall her plagues come in one day, death, and mourning, and famine; and she shall be utterly burned with fire; for strong is the Lord God who judgeth her. And the kings of the earth, who have committed fornication and lived deliciously with her, shall bewail her, and lament for her, when they shall see the smoke of her burning.

Please do not "go away" with the idea in mind that I am suggesting God is sending a message of "disaster" for judgment! If He is, He is and that would not be my decision/judgment. As I have already stated, I am PRAYING! And, I am making this information available for you to PRAY over as well, if you choose to do so.

One other "note" I wanted to make mention of here. I did receive an email from two people who I send information to, and they both responded with a "Thank you. We trust what you hear to be from the Holy Spirit. We believe that you have been called to help us to see ahead what we need to see, that we may be directed as to how to "effectively" pray.

Why point this out? Look at Ezekiel 38:7 - "be thou a guard unto them" ...

To those of you who will pray ... thank you!

Izzy Herriette