Saturday, December 31, 2011

A Tier Cake of Currency Blocks ...

As the year 2011 is drawing to a close, I am compelled by the Holy Spirit, to share a vision given me the week before Christmas:

I saw a cake stacked like that of a very tall and extravagant wedding tier-cake. The LORD drew me close and I began to see "blocks". The cake was made of blocks and these were in the form of dollar bills/currency. Next, a very large metal, flat bowl appeared before me. In the bowl was something "green". Suddenly a steel piece, in the form of what appeared to be likened unto a boat motor propeller, was lowered into the bowl. The blades began to spin, crushing the "green matter" into powder.

That was the vision.

I am not at liberty to speak anything in particular regarding the vision, at this time. I am asking for prayers of intercession, as is my custom.

I thank all of you ahead of time for your faithfulness to seek God, by the Holy Spirit, as to how to pray rightly over this revelation.

God's rich blessings upon each of you in the coming year - 2012.

We are looking for God to pour out a powerful new move among those who are seeking Him with their whole heart, mind, soul and strength!!

Izzy Herriette & Co/Ginger Renken
From The Bird's Eye View

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Prayer Alert - FISA?

In the midst of the Christmas Season, the LORD has been speaking to me the word: FISA

Is there some reason He would alert me about this at this particular time?

Are there developments coming that we need to be interceding over?

Please be praying in the Holy Ghost regarding this matter!!

Blessings to you all and many thanks to ALL who read and pray over Prophetic Posting with Izzy Speaking Today!!

A blessed Christmas to you.

Izzy Herriette & Co/Ginger Renken
From The Bird's Eye View