Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Halifax, longhorns and slaughterhouse?

For the last two days, while researching and posting, the Holy Spirit has come over me in an unusual manner with the prayers of intercession by the Holy Spirit. I have spent much, much time, with spontaneous prayers barreling out of my inner man, without my foreknowledge. This is always a "heads up" that something "is up"!

Late this afternoon, this happened again and I heard very, very clearly the word: HALIFAX come out of my mouth.

I immediately, for reason unknown, thought of Halifax, Germany. Again, I have no idea why.

The prayer ended and I was on with my busy schedule and totally forgot about the "word" spoken to me. It wasn't until about an hour later, the Lord brought the incident back to me. I could not for the life of me, remember what He has spoken. So, I called upon Him as I always do when this happens, asking Him to bring it back to my remembrance, even as His Word promises He will do.

Just moments later, while getting ready to prepare dinner and my mind occupied, He spoke the word very, very clearly once again! How faithful is our God.

As I felt led to Google, I also felt led to Google: Halifax, Texas and again, for reasons unknown to me. The first entry that appeared, mentioned something about an historical Farmer's Market there and immediately I was aroused to remember a vision I'd had in the middle of the night last night, that I'd forgotten completely about.

VISION: I was in a Farmer's Market but suddenly it turned to a "slaughterhouse" and there I saw men chopping off the horns of "longhorn" cattle and throwing them in huge piles throughout the dirt floor room.

Take a look at this article:

Now, here is something very, very interesting: This article points out that Halifax, TX, was an "antebellum community" and for those of you who may not be familiar with the term:


 adjective \ˌan-ti-ˈbe-ləm\
: occurring in the southern U.S. during the time before the American Civil War

Full Definition of ANTEBELLUM

:  existing before a war; especially :  existing before the American Civil War

Why does this mean anything to me? I heard the song: Mine Eyes Have Seen the Glory of the Coming of the LORD, back on Mar 20, 2004 at one of my "prophetic meetings" I did.  It was the night before the meeting, as I was preparing the message I would deliver the next night. The Holy Spirit, suddenly put me in the floor on my face and I heard Him speak this to me, "Ginger, everything I spoke to you in 1979 about my Son soon returning and the darkness on the face of the earth, the gross darkness over the peoples (Is 60:1-3); I tell you that this BEGINS NOW! From this moment forward, you will see the fulfillment of things as never before. I tell you this, NOW!" He then sang the song: Mine Eyes Have Seen the Glory of the Coming of the LORD!

When I returned to my home in Tulsa and as the Lord began to pour out the book: Manifesto-Before the Cock Crows to me throughout that year, I heard Billye Brim speaking with Gloria Copeland on television (October 2004) that the Lord had pulled her out of bed one night (not that long before the taping) and overcame her with the song: Mine Eyes Have Seen the Glory of the Coming of the LORD!" She stated how it hit her "so hard" that she had to do research on the song, to try to learn what the Lord was speaking of. In her search, she learned that the song was written ... during the Civil War.

I am praying and I will be sending this to those "old contacts" which include: Billye Brim Ministries, Living Word Christian Center (Mac and Lynn Hammond) and Victory Christian Center (Pastor Sharon Daugherty) for their intercessory prayer groups to hear and take to pray, as they did with me for quite some time in the past.

I have nothing besides this, for now, as far as interpretation and so as always I ask for your prayers of intercession to join to mine.

Thank You and God bless!

Izzy Herriette & Co

Monday, September 15, 2014

Photo, red capsules and rockets flying!

This morning at roughly 3:30 a.m. I was awakened to a vision:

VISION - It was like I was looking at a photograph. To the left, first appeared an insert from a pill-pack, transparent capsules were a red color with white powder within. I then heard the words, "Timed release!" This was tilted on the left hand bottom corner to the middle of the picture. Then I saw an arrow shaped formation, of long, thin rockets flying toward the center of the photo from the right side. The background of the photo then filled up with, of course, rocket fire.

As is always the case, I only know (up to this point) what I saw and I don't have the understanding of it yet. Perhaps as you share with friends, etc., someone may see something that I don't recognize, as they may have more knowledge than I.

I thank you for doing as we always ask you to do on this page and that is to take this PRAYER ALERT with the greatest of sincerity and begin to intercede by the leading of the Holy Spirit.

Thank you!

Izzy Herriette & Co

Sunday, August 31, 2014

Prophetic Prayer Alert: SUBJUGATION!

I am coming tonight with just one word and this word is not from the natural mind. This is a "word" the Lord continued to speak to me throughout the day, all day, today!


verb (used with object)subgated, subjugating.
to bring under complete control or subjection; conquer; master.
to make submissive or subservient; enslave.

I will leave this with you to pray and intercede over. With Islam creeping across the globe as it is today, the word makes complete sense to me. I do ask you to go to this link and watch the Trunk Treasure Teaching Segment that we did today. I believe it will expound upon what God is trying to say to His Church at this "unique" time and day: 

God bless you! God bless the nations and God bless His own people.

Izzy Herriette & Co 

Thursday, August 28, 2014

When the Lord awakens you out of your sleep to speak prophetically ... PRAY!

I need to share that last night, in the night, I was awakened (actually 3:00 a.m.) to a vision, seeing a mammoth.

Tonight, I asked my husband to see if he could find anything on this "mammoth" and this is what he found. To me, it speaks "Russia" and perhaps "Russia and the US".

As I'm always keeping my eyes open and my ears "to the ground" to hear His voice, it never, ever fails that what He speaks bears significance on some "piece of the puzzle" that will be exposed very, very soon!

Moments later, after falling into a deep sleep once again, I was awakened to hear the word: CENTRIFUGE.

The first thing I read upon waking for the day, was this article by Walid Shoebat, speaking much about the latest with Iran and their "centrifuges"!

I want to add this here as well ...

Yesterday, while dressing for the day, suddenly in the Spirit, I felt as though I'd been hit in the stomach. I then heard the Lord speak very clearly to me this word: WORMWOOD

This is another article I read first thing this morning from Walid Shoebat's wall:

You will see at the bottom of this article, speaking about the "new tactics" of ISIS to fill the waters with chemical poisoning for the people there that they are murdering; at the end of the article he speaks the word: wormwood.

This article is very IMPORTANT to me: This was something revealed to me and recorded in Manifesto-Before the Cock Crows in the summer of 2004. I had to share with a military man, at that time and after the instruction of the Lord, the four broken lines that the Lord had awakened me with to reveal this. The lines made no natural sense. I asked everyone I knew. The moment I read the lines to an "active" in the Air Force, he knew immediately what it represented. I had a clue by then because I had begun to do "word searches" with simple words within those broken lines given. It represented a bio-chemical that would eat from the inside out, just as is described in this report today, by Walid Shobat. 

We might take it a step further and look at:

Rev 8:11 - And the name of the star is called Wormwood: and the third part of the waters became wormwood; and many men died of the waters, because they were made bitter.

When you study the end-time teachings of Walid, you can see how this might just fit in with today's news taking place in the Middle East with ISIS, ISIL, IS.

Thank you so much for prayers of intercessors!

God bless you.

Izzy Herriette & Co

Saturday, August 23, 2014

New Prophetic Vision … Prayer Alert.

Ear friends, I am coming to you this morning, with a vision given me, when I laid my head on the bed to retire last evening:

VISION - Simply saw an enormous "net" stretched between two large mountain tops. Then appeared an enormous boulder, set in the middle of that net. (No net, that I know of could hold this amount of weight and especially not stretched that far.)

Next appeared beneath the net a Bible, larger than the net, the mountains, and the boulder. The hand of God held it and opened it under the the entire upper vision.

Again, I can draw conclusions but at this time I need to wait upon the Lord for true understanding.

Appreciate those who would pray with me with no questions asked. God honors what we do with the "prophetic". We just take it to prayer.

God Bless!

Izzy Herriette & Co

Saturday, August 16, 2014

What do we need to have our eyes and prayers upon now? / Prophetic Prayer Alert

If you have followed the ministry of Izzy Herriette & Co / Ginger Renken, for any length of time, you will "know" already that in my Prophetic Prayer Alert postings, I only post what the Lord has revealed to me; either by revelation, dream, vision or divine utterance.

Today, at 4:00 p.m., I sensed a very strong "weeping in the Spirit" come upon me. As I yielded and began praying in the Holy Ghost, a vision came forth immediately. Again, I can only share, at this time, exactly what I saw. From here, I will do as always and ask you, as "watchmen/women on the wall and prayer warriors" to take these things to the Lord in that Spirit-led intercession, as He instructs us to do.

VISION: Aug 16, 2014 - 4:00 p.m. - First, I saw a "taylor's measuring tape appear" and wrap itself around a "shirt collar". (I know that this symbolizes the "neck," and that meaning position of "authority". I understand this portion of the vision to mean that someone is measuring their authority and the size thereof.)

Second, I saw the back wheels of a long, wooden wagon (carrier) like those "baggage handlers" in airports.

Third, I saw a "stair railing" like one descending from a "landed flight" for passengers to disembark from.

Fourth, I was looking up into the windows of an "air traffic control room".

That, my friends, ends the VISION, as I saw it.

Please, do not take lightly the things I post here on this page, as every one, thus far, has come to pass and the meaning has, indeed, revealed itself through some current event and that almost always directly connected with global, world happenings.

I adjure you ...

Rom 8:26,27 - Likewise the Spirit also helps in our weaknesses. For we do not know what we should pray for as we ought, but the Spirit Himself makes intercession for us[a] with groanings which cannot be uttered. 27 Now He who searches the hearts knows what the mind of the Spirit is, because He makes intercession for the saints according to the will of God.

Thank you for your faithful prayers!

Izzy Herriette & Co

Later in our day, today:

I saw an airplane overhead, flying with all the power of a plane in flight. Suddenly it took upon it a "spiritual freedom" like that of Isaiah 40, soaring with wings of eagles.

Then these words:

Are you this powerful? Are you equipped with the power of these jet engines? Are you equipped with the power of the weight of many waters, seas and oceans? Are you "exacting" from My creation? You demand from them their homage, their allegiance, and their worship, or you take their lives?

Anyone, anything, conspired to take away LIFE from My creation, from the propagation of such, is birthed from the spirit of Satan. Oh, yes! That one. The one who has always come to rob, steal and to destroy that which I envisioned and created, according to that vision. Jn 10:10

What is your power? What is your strength? You know not from what place, what source, you derive your movements! But you would benefit yourselves to know.

While you "think" you are serving the "true God," in Allah, the "true God" is watching, knowing, understanding the depth of deception you are moving in.

Think not that I will stand idly by, like many, globally, are doing right now! Watching in FEAR, in indifference, in denial of truth!

I am not an "idle God". I am not powerless like your god. But unlike your god, I am patient in love and grace ...

I am the God who would desire greatly to "turn you around" to see me standing before you. In that moment, I would penetrate and pierce all lack of knowledge within you, of Me!

Prophetic Word 6:00 p.m. / Izzy Herriette & Co
Prayers of intercession going up!

I will tell you what is happening tonight, Oh Israel, Oh Israel
I will tell you what is happening tonight, I will tell you My Beloved, Israel

There is a fire burning brightly in your sky, in your sky, tonight O, Israel
There is a fire burning brightly in your sky, tonight, in your sky O, Israel

It is in this "fire" that I will end your plight, O, Israel, O, Israel
It is in this "fire" that I will end your plight, O, Israel, O, Israel

Send up the flares; Send down the snares
Send up the flares; Send down the snares
There's a "fire" in your sky, O, Israel
There's a "fire" in your sky, this night, O, Israel

Monday, February 3, 2014

Time of the Gentiles

Many won't understand the implications of what I'm about to share but ... I had a dream (prophetic in nature, I believe) in the night hours, wherein I saw myself seated in a chair across from a small child, also seated in her little chair. Before I knew it I saw myself reach across and take a "morsel of bread" from her mouth and I was getting ready to eat it myself. I awakened. I was somewhat mortified by the thought that I would see myself doing such a thing as that! This morning, in meditation before the LORD, He brought this scripture to me. Those studied, will recognize immediately, that this was a typography for the "time of the Gentiles".

Matt 15:25,26 - But she came and began to bow down before Him, saying, "Lord, help me!" And He answered and said, "It is not good to take the children's bread and throw it to the dogs." 27But she said, "Yes, Lord; but even the dogs feed on the crumbs which fall from their masters' table."…

I could interpret this to mean many different things, as the scripture does apply to several aspects of our faith walk but this was one of "those" that sends a sharp quickening; one such as those prophetic words relating to our current placement on the timeline of the Church!

If you'd like to join me, I will be praying over those scriptures that speak about the "time of the Gentiles being fulfilled!

Rom 11:25 - For I would not, brethren, that ye should be ignorant of this mystery, lest ye should be wise in your own conceits; that blindness in part is happened in Israel, until the fulness of the Gentiles be come in!

Izzy Herriette & Co/Ginger Renken

Sunday, January 5, 2014

The "gun fires" on 2014. Let the RACE begin.

Hearing "recovery" in this New Year. I've been being awakened through the nights and early mornings with a powerful presence of the LORD witnessing "brand new" in this 2014, for His own people, who are looking unto Him. I also have been sensing some kind of "uplifting change" in the global scene this year, which doesn't equate with my natural thinking at all. There seems to be a "loosing" coming and a "breaking away" of some powerful corrosion in places; whether it be in God's people or things holding them, it just seems to be interwoven into all places and all things. Look up, look inward and I believe you will experience what is being witnessed in the Spirit of God by so many. The LOVE of JESUS settle down deep in you and draw you into that place that He has specially ordained for you in this 2014! Love to all from ~ Izzy Herriette & Co/Ginger Renken

Jan 8, 2014 - There should be such a BEAUTIFUL UNITY, a unique, powerful and special knitting when the brethren are together! There is NO BOND like that of the one that Christ brings to our lives. Always treat that with great honor and respect, as it is precious and valuable to the Father's heart and to our own lives as well.

Be the part that keeps it strong and never brings a "cutting or tearing" to it.

Ps 133:1-3 - Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity! It is like the precious ointment upon the head, that ran down upon the beard, even Aaron's beard: that went down to the skirts of his garments; As the dew of Hermon, and as the dew that descended upon the mountains of Zion: for there the Lord commanded the blessing, even life for evermore.