Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Morgan. Stein. In the middle of the night.

I was wrestling in my sleep, last night, as I was hearing very loudly the LORD speak these words to me. I was repeating them after Him. Morgan, as in J.P. Morgan. He then said the word Stein. I knew I needed to write it down. It was one of those things that would come up in the news soon, as that's usually what happens when the LORD speaks these kind of "words" to me.

I remember in my sleep, repeating it over and over again to myself with Him in conversation, so I would remember it when I awakened, as I was too tired to get up and write it down. I was actually still asleep. Half way through my day, today, it came back to me. I had completely forgotten about it. No memory of it until then. I looked it up and the only thing I could really find that made any sense at all was an Urban Dictionary definition of the two words put together:


1. a Jewish name. like anything with -stein is Jewish. if you have this name,
you're either Jewish or should be. 

My thoughts upon reading the definition were: 1) I wonder if that's what He meant? Did He mean it to be a combined word? Or did He mean it like He spoke it to me when He said, Morgan. Stein. 2) Upon reading the definition above, I also thought of J.P Morgan and the Jewish influence in the bank? Thus, the Jewish name: Morganstein? 
For now I don't have those answers. I will watch and pray. 

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Prayer Alert - Golan and Kushner

Last night at around midnight I was awakened by the LORD to hear: Golan Heights. Next, I saw Jered Kushner standing on a mountain top. Suddenly, a bullet or an arrow struck through his heart. 
I am posting as a call for prayer for Jered and the Golan Heights. I have no further information than this from the LORD at this time, so this is what I speak. We don't need to try to spiritualize it, guess over it but honor the LORD by taking to prayer what He spoke, exactly as He spoke and gave vision of it. 
Remember that we do not pray in fear but in faith, out of obedience to God and following the direction He reveals. Pray in the Spirit and with understanding. Allow the Holy Spirit to lead you.
Intercede with me? Thank you! ~ Izzy Herriette & Co / Ginger Renken