Friday, October 7, 2011

Inept? Now? NO!!

Well, this is not a report that I want to come and give, however when the Holy Spirit speaks ...

Last evening as I lay my head down to sleep I had a vision. In this vision were multitudes of people, waiting to have hands laid upon them and to be prayed for, touched, healed and delivered.

The setting was charged with an enormous surge of Holy Ghost power and anointing - you could feel it even in the atmosphere itself. I looked and saw MANY people of God empowered and miracles were taking place everywhere!!

I was lying there with a huge smile beginning to form on my face; coming out of my spirit at the thought that they were all WELL ABLE to minister in such a manner.

At once, I was completely taken aback, as I heard the Holy Spirit speak, "Inept. They are inept!"

I was shocked!

Where are we as the Body of Christ today? I don't know but I would guess that He does.

This isn't to say that there aren't "those" who are the exception but normally when He speaks something of this nature, unless He indicates otherwise, He's referring to the "majority"!

We are in trouble!


Look at the post beneath - from yesterday - and you will know immediately why!

Bible prophecy is being fulfilled more now than at any other time in the history of mankind!

Where is the Body of Christ - the Church - in this final hour?

How we need an "awakening"!

Look up - for your redemption - is drawing ever nigher!

: lacking in fitness or aptitude : unfit <inept at sports>
: lacking sense or reason : foolish
: not suitable to the time, place, or occasion : inappropriate often to an absurd degree inept metaphor>
: generally incompetent : bungling <inept leadership>
in·ept·ly adverb
in·ept·ness noun

Examples of INEPT

  1. He was completely inept at sports.
  2. He made an inept attempt to apologize.
  3. Not only does the post have a narrow mandate, covering such sexy subjects as nuclear waste and solar energy, but the secretary presides over the most inept bureaucrats in the land. —Franklin Foer, New Republic, 3 July 2000

Origin of INEPT

Middle French inepte, from Latin ineptus, from in- + aptusapt
First Known Use: 1542


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All Words Near: inept

Izzy Herriette & Co/Ginger Renken

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