Tonight, I asked my husband to see if he could find anything on this "mammoth" and this is what he found. To me, it speaks "Russia" and perhaps "Russia and the US".
As I'm always keeping my eyes open and my ears "to the ground" to hear His voice, it never, ever fails that what He speaks bears significance on some "piece of the puzzle" that will be exposed very, very soon!
Moments later, after falling into a deep sleep once again, I was awakened to hear the word: CENTRIFUGE.
The first thing I read upon waking for the day, was this article by Walid Shoebat, speaking much about the latest with Iran and their "centrifuges"!
I want to add this here as well ...
Yesterday, while dressing for the day, suddenly in the Spirit, I felt as though I'd been hit in the stomach. I then heard the Lord speak very clearly to me this word: WORMWOOD
This is another article I read first thing this morning from Walid Shoebat's wall:
You will see at the bottom of this article, speaking about the "new tactics" of ISIS to fill the waters with chemical poisoning for the people there that they are murdering; at the end of the article he speaks the word: wormwood.
This article is very IMPORTANT to me: This was something revealed to me and recorded in Manifesto-Before the Cock Crows in the summer of 2004. I had to share with a military man, at that time and after the instruction of the Lord, the four broken lines that the Lord had awakened me with to reveal this. The lines made no natural sense. I asked everyone I knew. The moment I read the lines to an "active" in the Air Force, he knew immediately what it represented. I had a clue by then because I had begun to do "word searches" with simple words within those broken lines given. It represented a bio-chemical that would eat from the inside out, just as is described in this report today, by Walid Shobat.
We might take it a step further and look at:
Rev 8:11 - And the name of the star is called Wormwood: and the third part of the waters became wormwood; and many men died of the waters, because they were made bitter.
When you study the end-time teachings of Walid, you can see how this might just fit in with today's news taking place in the Middle East with ISIS, ISIL, IS.
Thank you so much for prayers of intercessors!
God bless you.
Izzy Herriette & Co
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