March 21, 2010 -
Vision Early Morning:
Vision Early Morning:
- I saw an iron plant hanger/arm - holding out a large pot with an enormous green vine - (Interpretation: The arm representing the power; the vine always representing a living, thriving entity; holding out representative of our nation being lifted up as a "model".)
- Followed by the eyes on a potato - (symbolizing regeneration - as well as - eyes to see) - (Interpretation: Our nation has continually grown in the same direction [reproduced same kind] for many years. Many eyes have looked upon U.S.A. and desired that "seed" for their own "planting".)
- These words: "Don't expect that you will receive the same outcome from a different 'pattern'; a different 'seed"! - (Interpretation: U.S.A. has built [in past] upon particular principles that yielded a particular outcome!)
- These words: "Survival vs Revival!"
- This word: "RHETORICAL!"
rhet·o·ric (r

a. The art or study of using language effectively and persuasively.
b. A treatise or book discussing this art.
2. Skill in using language effectively and persuasively.
a. A style of speaking or writing, especially the language of a particular subject: fiery political rhetoric
b. Language that is elaborate, pretentious, insincere, or intellectually vacuous: His offers of compromise were mere rhetoric.
4. Verbal communication; discourse.
All week long the Lord has been bringing back to my remembrance, something that I experienced by the Holy Spirit, approximately three years ago:
I was sitting on the arm of one of our couches in our living room. Suddenly, in the Spirit, I saw a person appear before me "abruptly"! Before I could acknowledge their presence, I saw one of their legs being raised and a beautifully decorated, high-heeled, extremely pointed-toed shoe coming at me with great force and power. The toe of the shoe was being aimed at my loin. Over and over again, the shoe was "gouging" at my loin. Feelings of shock, amazement, astonishment, bewilderment and victimization came flooding over me!
Next, the person disappeared, and now I was looking forward in the direction of the television. There appeared four large yellow umbrellas - each fully opened - standing upright in the air about five feet above the floor. I then saw bulging, muscled arms - one under each umbrella - with strong, clinched fist; each arm came up from beneath, punched (broke) a hole in the umbrella and presented those fists through the tops, arrogantly bragging a VICTORY!
- Highly decorated high-heeled shoe; (fancy footwork)
rhetoric [ˈrɛtərɪk]n
- 1. (Literature / Rhetoric) the study of the technique of using language effectively 2. (Literature / Rhetoric) the art of using speech to persuade, influence, or please; oratory; excessive orientation, and contrivance in spoken or written discourse; bombastspeech or discourse that pretends to significance but lacks true meaning all the politician says is mere rhetoric
- Loin:
1 a : the part of a human being or quadruped on each side of the spinal column between the hipbone and the false ribs b : a cut of meat comprising this part of one or both sides of a carcass with the adjoining half of the vertebrae included but without the flank
1 a : the part of a human being or quadruped on each side of the spinal column between the hipbone and the false ribs b : a cut of meat comprising this part of one or both sides of a carcass with the adjoining half of the vertebrae included but without the flank
2 plural a : the upper and lower abdominal regions and the region about the hips b (1) : the pubic region (2) : the reproductive organs
- Yellow Umbrella: sign of hope in "dark times"
- Interpretation: Four years(four umbrellas): powerful arm and fist poking hole triumphantly through yellow (hopeful) umbrella: gouging out or destroying through fancy footwork, that regeneration that "was" ongoing?
Izzy Herriette
With Bold Statements
From THE Bird's Eye View
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