Monday, September 12, 2016

Prophetic Prayer Alert! - Weather? A Great Storm?


Early, early this morning, I had a dream: I was standing in a kitchen where I evidently lived. I knew I had a small child in my home with me and the child was mine. The house began to move around. I looked out the kitchen window and everything outside was moving as well. The ground was swelling! Suddenly came a mighty wave of water in front of our home, like it was coming from an ocean; that large and the color of ocean water. I looked again and a wind came that began literally rolling up the grass, like sheets of sod. I grabbed my child and began to tie the little one to myself. The dream ended there.

When I see things like this in the Spirit, something is always around the corner!

Later in the day: 

I am recalling that the colors in the dream were so crisp, clear and clean. The green was so lush and green. That "green" represents continual growth and prosperity; a good thing! I'm meditating upon the idea that the "green ground of grass" being "rolled up like rolls of sod", were being torn up by a "knife like wind"! I am also now meditating on the fact that I knew that I had to "secure that child unto myself", so that child would not be separated from me! (Can I suggest to you that America has been a "green, powerful, crisp, sharp, clean vision" that we've been living in for centuries now? May I suggest that there are "forces at present that would try to come in and move, overflow, tear up and destroy" that vision? May I also suggest that the "child" in the dream and the fact that I knew I needed to "secure that child unto myself that it would not be lost", that "child" is our "vision" of America continuing in this fight and not being LOST! 

I am going to continue to meditate upon this dream with the presence of the LORD to lead and guide me. Amen!

Please, lift this in prayer with me, won't you?

I always ask that everyone pray with this in mind:

Romans 8:26,27 - Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities: for we know not what we should pray for as we ought: but the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered. And he that searcheth the hearts knoweth what is the mind of the Spirit, because he maketh intercession for the saints according to the will of God.

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Vision: Valley of Burning Barracks ...

Oh, yes! It's been some time since we've posted on our Prophetic Prayer Alert Blog.

I do want to make certain that I post this vision that the LORD poured out before me two nights ago as I was in intercession before Him.

I was praying when suddenly, a vision, large before me, took over my prayer. I was standing atop a hill, looking down into a deep, wide valley! There were, what I believe to have been military barracks, many of them, large and spread out throughout this valley. They were all burnt and had been left in ruin there.

The vision ended and I continued to seek the LORD in intercession, not seeing or hearing anything more from Him.

About an hour later, when I retired to sleep for the night, I was praying again and suddenly appeared before me a spinning top that I had seen before but couldn't recall what it was or what it was called.

I called out to my husband immediately to inquire if he remembered what the object was. He brought to me a photo, found through Google, I'm assuming. He remarked that is was a "gyroscope" and that He felt like it was depictive of the "wheel within the wheel" found in Ezekiel's writings.


Fast forward to today, two days after these visions and I saw this in an article I was reading and studying this morning, when I saw this symbol of the ICANN (The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers in the private sector, non-profit corporation created in 1998 to assume responsibility for ... and you can research on your own if you don't already know about it), I immediately had a witness in my spirit about that being somewhat similar to and relating to what the Holy Spirit wanted me to see in the second vision I was given.

I will post the article :

I will now leave this with you and if I learn more from the Spirit of God in soon coming days, as to the revelation of these two visions, I will return here to post that information as well.

Until then ... as we always request ...

Pray by the Spirit of God. Allow Him to lead your intercessions, as you would take this Prophetic Prayer Alert before Him, with us!

We thank you and appreciate you tremendously!

Izzy Herriette & Co / Ginger Renken

God bless!

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Misogyny? What Lord?

Now I understand why I heard the Holy Spirit distincly speak this word "misogyny" three or four days ago. As it always goes, it shows up somewhere in the news days following and here it is:

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

I am placing here on our Prophetic Prayer Alert Blog, this latest Prayer Alert that was given me on Mar 31, 2016, on the evening of the "shooting at the White House." I was absolutely amazed at the mind of God. He spoke to me that evening, "Ginger, go look up the word 'platform'!" Simply that. Look at what came out of that one simple word and how it, in a stark way, applies to everything taking place in our world right now! Our GOD IS GOOD!

Please, everyone who prays, all of you who are intercessors and to those who lead intercessory prayer groups, put this on your prayer lists every time you gather together. Please! Let's stand with the what the Holy Spirit has so graciously revealed to us as a pertinent focus for our prayers today.

Lord, God, we REJOICE in your DIVINE IMPARTATION that allows us to know how to pray effectively. God, you are so powerful and gracious to your people. We will act in obedience to your loving revelation, God, to protect and to declare and decree "safety and protection/divine protection" in every one of these areas mentioned in this definition of the word: PLATFORM. AMEN!

I will post the link to the videos here:

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Vision - Globe Bank - Feb 15, 2016

I am posting exactly what I saw in a vision as I lay my head down last night. I can come away with several "takes" or "interpretations" of this vision, just on my own: 1) I need to sow into the Gospel being preached to the entire globe - Around the Globe with the News of the Risen Son - today, in "this day"!  2) Well, of course, those of us concerned with global news, know full well that this could easily represent and speak to us about a "world banking system or global currency" to come.  3) This could also speak loudly to us about the world economy in days to come; something we should always be seeking the Lord about and taking His instructions regarding.  4) How concerned are we about the financial status of all "around the globe"? Or are we only concerned with the welfare of our own families, community, Church, etc?  5) How much time are we really investing in "global intercession"?

Put this on your "watch list" for intercession, won't you? This is why we post those divine dreams, visions and utterance of the Holy Spirit here on Izzy Speaking Today. Yes, He is speaking today, to those who have an ear to hear what the Spirit is saying to the Church. Let's join our hearts, eyes, ears and prayers of intercession to the things revealed by God, as points of interest to Him! Amen?

Always call to mind that God adjures us to pray with the help of the Holy Spirit, who prays in God perfection. We are "infirmed" in our prayer life without His assistance! Thank God everyday, for all the heavenly provision He has supplied freely unto us, through Christ Jesus our Lord. Take advantage of and be obedient to cooperate with those things that God has revealed to us are aids to our spiritual walk with Him. He desires us to be "effective" in the realm of the Holy Spirit. Glory to His name.

Thank you for your unity with the Father, Son, Holy Spirit and with us as well.                          

                                                              God bless you.

                                                              Izzy Herriette & Co / Ginger Renken

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Rank and File

So, we enter to embark upon this New Year up and coming. I will share here with you, the vision and divine utterances that I heard from Him, over a course of several weeks beginning in Jan - 2016. I could have written it all out for you but I believe that you'll get a better understanding from the videos that I will post for the full story.

God bless you as you begin to press into the fresh three hundred and sixty-five days ahead. The Lord lead and guide your every step and direct you into the blessings that He has in store for you. Hear Him clearly and follow all of His leadings and you will prosper. Amen

I encourage you to go to our Ginger Renken Facebook page and watch the videos that we've put out since the beginning of the year as well. You will receive much greater insights into what the Lord has been speaking to us.

God bless.

Izzy Herriette & Co / Ginger Renken