Wednesday, September 19, 2018

President Trump / A Free Man!

A very unique vision I had as I lay my head down to retire for the night. I saw a young boy, full head of hair, free and brave, speaking into a microphone. It seemed like this was at some type of rally or sport game in a large auditorium. Suddenly, I knew it was President Trump as a young boy. Then, just as suddenly, I now was turned by the Spirit of God to find myself standing twenty feet from the very top left corner of the bleachers or seating in this arena. There, up in the highest corner was President Trump. He was suddenly too big to be in that position and I saw him with his head bent up next to the ceiling and every part of him was just too big for the space. He was jammed up into that corner and couldn't get out.

If you would, you can join yourselves with me to this vision and just be praying for the "freedom of a little boy" to come back to our President and that he won't allow those who oppose him to put him in a position where he feels cramped and where he cannot move freely! We know that this is the vision of his oppressors and of all those who oppose him. Our God is greater and I believe that there's an even greater freedom that He wants to bring our President into as the days pass on. The LEFT, HIGH UPS will not be able to corner him and press him down. Amen and amen!

Remember, always pray with the Spirit and then with your understanding as well.

We love you here @ Izzy Herriette & Co / Ginger Renken

God bless our President, his family, his staff, those who are surrounding him with a prayer covering and God bless this nation through them and through all of us who are standing our ground to protect righteousness in this nation. Amen

Prophetic / America Being Hit ...

I've been coming to you through Social Media for ten years now, sharing with you all of the Prophetic Messages, Prophetic Teachings and Prophetic Prayer Alerts that have been so strongly imparted to me by the Holy Ghost for the Church today and here I am again:
I don't have anything else to add to this as of yet but this morning I heard very clearly the Holy Spirit speak to me, "They're getting 'hit' on the East Coast, they've been being 'hit' on the West Coast and sometimes everywhere in between and President Trump is getting 'hit' everyday!" 
Only a few hours later, this article went through my feed, as some people were showing live footage of a fifty foot wave that was hitting the East Coast and then I saw this title that grabbed my eyes and I've posted below for you.
Get that in your Spirit tonight, if you would obey the revelatory word from the Spirit right now:
Simply, "They're getting 'hit' on the East Coast, they've been being 'hit' on the West Coast and sometimes everywhere in between and President Trump is getting 'hit' everyday!" 
From here, just take these "few words" that God spoke to me today and in unison let us speak them out to Him as we're before Him in fellowship with Him by way of His Holy Spirit. 







Izzy Herriette & Co / Ginger Renken

Monday, July 2, 2018

Early Morning Dream / Entanglement via Internet!

Early this morning, before I was awake, the LORD gave me this dream:

I saw myself standing in a room. I was trying to move my large computer from one place to another. Suddenly, when I went to move my feet, I realized that they were tangled up in bedding covers. The more I tried to move, with computer in hand, and it's a large and heavy computer at that, the more blankets and sheets were exposed to be wrapping around my feet and legs. It was the most awful feeling, being bound like that and not having free movement of my legs and feet.

After I awakened, literally sweating in the natural, I heard the Holy Ghost say, "You're so focused on your feet not being able to move and being bound up that you totally forgot what you were holding onto."

In that moment I realized what He was revealing! I believe it to be a strong message for myself but as I thought on it before the LORD, I knew He was asking me to share it with others as well.

Friends, we do so much through computers, today and I believe the dream was speaking about the things, the layers of things that some are getting "caught up in, bound by and entangled into" through the time they spend on the internet. Those things are literally binding us from being able to carry out the tasks that God has laid before us to be "about doing". When He would call upon us to move, we can't because we're entangled in things from this source that we have no business being entangled in.

I will leave this with you, as I do everything I post here on the Izzy Speaking Today / Prophetic Prayer Alerts Blog.

As always, I refer you to the scriptures that speak to you about praying by the Holy Ghost and praying with your own understanding. It's always a far superior way to pray by the Spirit's leading. He prays the perfect will of God.

My prayer will be that God will speak to hearts that need to hear this "word" and that the
"freedom and the untangling" would come to those who know they need it, by divine, Holy Ghost working in your lives.

Thank God for His instructional dreams that set us free if we take heed to them! Amen.

3:00 A.M. Dream / Calling Forth Anointed Ministers of God.

NIGHT DREAM: SUNDAY JUNE 1, 2018 - 3:00 A.M. - Pt 1

3:00 a.m. - I was awakened by Holy Spirit to hear Him singing this: 
Come home. Come home. Ye who are weary, come home. Earnestly, tenderly, Jesus is calling, Calling, oh sinner, come home!
I will never, ever, ever, come to a place where "when He speaks" it's taken for granted, or taken lightly, in my life. For me, when He speaks, IT IS MY LIFE. Hearing from Him brings me life. Hearing from Him directs my paths. When I don't hear from Him I get concerned and I begin to press in to find out why I'm not hearing. 
Do you ask Him to speak to you? Just ask! Just talk with Him. Tell Him how much you love Him. He will respond. He will. 
There's no other voice that we should be longing to hear more than that of our Heavenly Father! No other voice should come before His in our lives. 

Ps 73:25,26 - Whom have I in heaven but thee? and there is none upon earth that I desire beside thee.
26 My flesh and my heart faileth: but God is the strength of my heart, and my portion for ever.

I know the LORD is waiting for many of you to come home. Come home to Him. Come home and receive eternal life. Come home and find rest for your souls. Come home and receive the ministry of reconciliation between you and your Heavenly Father, the Ono created you!

NIGHT DREAM: SUNDAY JUNE 1, 2018 - 3:00 A.M. - Pt 2

Just remembered: 

Do you all know what it's like to have dreams, visions and divine utterances and then not be able to recall them, or simply just get up and move forward forgetting everything you just heard from Him? 
That happens to me quite often but I have found the LORD to be absolutely FAITHFUL to bring back to my remembrance everything He's spoken. Hallelujah. The enemy can't steal His Word from us if we don't allow Him to. Thank God that the Holy Ghost is a faithful watchman and that God watches over His Word to perform it.
After I heard the song, "Come Home" at 3 a.m., I saw myself walking somewhere. I was barefoot and everywhere I stepped, I left an oily footprint and the person who owned the place where I was walking wasn't real happy about that. What? 
Then, I heard the scripture that God knows I love so much:

Job 29:5-7 - …when the Almighty was still with me and my children were around me, when my steps were bathed in cream and the rock poured out for me streams of oil! When I went out to the city gate and took my seat in the public square,…

Did you know that we can walk in a way, with God, that our STEPS are "bathed in cream"? One translation states it as "butter". 
Yes, we can. 
So, this song: Come home. Come home. Ye that are weary, come home. Earnestly, tenderly, Jesus is calling. Calling, oh, sinner, come home ...

Was followed with "oily footprints"!

Sounds to me like God wants to anoint some of His own people, to carry the GOOD NEWS of the Gospel, to whomsoever He would send you to.
I've been in the perfect will of God, where my steps have been ordered of the LORD into the divine, anointed, dripping with oil. Where God has moved upon those who He sent me to. He changed their lives. He broke down the walls in people who had barred themselves in with the one who would bind them up in bondage forever, if they didn't receive help from God.
I've been in many places where just the presence of God in me, caused people in the room to burst out with loud voice, crying because the anointing of God just BROKE THE YOKE AND SET THEM FREE from something from their past that they had been held captive to, something they had held secret for many, many years and that they had suffered silently in torment over, with no one knowing about it but them. 
What is God speaking? Is He going to speak to you through what I've shared here with you; what I experienced in the middle of the night last night? 
All it takes is a step of faith. Sometimes it takes a simple "Yes, LORD! Here I am, LORD. Your servant is listening."

Does He desire to anoint you for the world and the Word today? 
I know there's much in this for me, this "night experience" with Him. 

~ Izzy Herriette & Co / GInger Renken ~

Friday, June 1, 2018

Machete Warning - Prophetic Prayer Alert

I needed to post this from several months ago. I had a dream in the middle of the night. I was in a house with a woman and her husband. It seemed that I was there to help them in some way. As I entered the house, somehow I ended up at the door of their bedroom, where the woman trying to escape her husband. Before I could assess the situation, the husband lunged at me with a knife that, faster than I could even believe, caught my hand and sliced into the space above the first knuckle from hand to thumb. The cut was real, deep and laid wide open so that my thumb and hand were literally separated.

I knew in my spirit that the dream was a forewarning and a call for me to pray for "knife and machete" attacks; futuristic. 

Will you join me in this Spirit led revelation to pray for this specific issue facing many nations today, including our own. I have a niece who's friends were attacked by a group of thugs one night about a year ago. This attack had horrible consequences to the one young man that was sliced and diced by it. Details that you don't want to hear, they're so bad. 

Thank you, LORD, for bringing this information to us, for speaking to our hearts, for bearing witness by your Spirit that we might know how to pray perfecting the will of God in and over these situations, even the ones that haven't occurred yet. We bless you, all watchful and faithful God.

Rom 8:26,27 - Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities: for we know not what we should pray for as we ought: but the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered. And he that searcheth the hearts knoweth what is the mind of the Spirit, because he maketh intercession for the saints according to the will of God.

Here's news that came out just today, so I thought I really needed to post this WARNING from a few months ago. 

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Morgan. Stein. In the middle of the night.

I was wrestling in my sleep, last night, as I was hearing very loudly the LORD speak these words to me. I was repeating them after Him. Morgan, as in J.P. Morgan. He then said the word Stein. I knew I needed to write it down. It was one of those things that would come up in the news soon, as that's usually what happens when the LORD speaks these kind of "words" to me.

I remember in my sleep, repeating it over and over again to myself with Him in conversation, so I would remember it when I awakened, as I was too tired to get up and write it down. I was actually still asleep. Half way through my day, today, it came back to me. I had completely forgotten about it. No memory of it until then. I looked it up and the only thing I could really find that made any sense at all was an Urban Dictionary definition of the two words put together:


1. a Jewish name. like anything with -stein is Jewish. if you have this name,
you're either Jewish or should be. 

My thoughts upon reading the definition were: 1) I wonder if that's what He meant? Did He mean it to be a combined word? Or did He mean it like He spoke it to me when He said, Morgan. Stein. 2) Upon reading the definition above, I also thought of J.P Morgan and the Jewish influence in the bank? Thus, the Jewish name: Morganstein? 
For now I don't have those answers. I will watch and pray. 

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Prayer Alert - Golan and Kushner

Last night at around midnight I was awakened by the LORD to hear: Golan Heights. Next, I saw Jered Kushner standing on a mountain top. Suddenly, a bullet or an arrow struck through his heart. 
I am posting as a call for prayer for Jered and the Golan Heights. I have no further information than this from the LORD at this time, so this is what I speak. We don't need to try to spiritualize it, guess over it but honor the LORD by taking to prayer what He spoke, exactly as He spoke and gave vision of it. 
Remember that we do not pray in fear but in faith, out of obedience to God and following the direction He reveals. Pray in the Spirit and with understanding. Allow the Holy Spirit to lead you.
Intercede with me? Thank you! ~ Izzy Herriette & Co / Ginger Renken

Thursday, January 4, 2018

The Eastern Gate on the South Wall of Jerusalem

Please keep included in your Spirit led intercession, the "single eastern gate" on the south wall in Jerusalem! I had a vision of it three nights ago. 
I know there's been much discussion over the prophetic this past 2017. There is much interest in understanding how God speaks to the prophets. 
Sometimes there are many details to a prophetic message the LORD would give and yet, at other times, there are no details, only a single word or a vision without explanation.
If we know God, we don't question the "word". We simply obey and give it out if He instructs us to. He always gives enough to pray on and if it's what He revealed, then we dare not question further what He's said but simply begin to take that prophetic saying or vision and begin to pray over it in the Spirit, NOT adding our own thoughts and entangling the simple word that He gave.
~ Izzy Herriette & Co / Ginger Renken