Sunday, February 27, 2011

“Eurabia — the Capitulation of Europe to Islam.”

(The photo I posted here, I have removed, as it was offensive to many and it was very raw. The picture was of a woman murdered. Story below.)

Oh, we don't want to see, or be made to look upon such things as this I know! That said - I post this totally grotesque photo - only as it is something that has come to me on the heels of last night's prophetic word to me; which is in the post prior to this one: CAPITULATE!

In the comment section of this post from facebook, were these statements, in answer to the authenticity of the photograph:

The photo was taken by a German journalist, Michael Mannheimer known as the bravest man to stand up to Islam...Michael Mannheimer books can be found in stores and on the Internet...Pictures taken at the scene of the crime against Christians...
Ronald Cutburth Brief analysis:
1. The chest wound and the neck would not be needed to simply photo op a cross in a face.
2. Those woulds would be a mark of a maniac driven by hate.
3. The Muslims typically rape their Christina victims. Thus the exposed chest before the cross stabbing.
4. Near the mouth the cross is tapered. Thus it would be all tapered to act as a stab weapon that would inflict the chest and neck wounds. The blood draining fits the wounds.
5. She is an Arab type of woman. She may not even be a Christian but is married to a Muslim and came out in favor of not hating Christians. This would likely invoke insane violence.
6. Her hair is not arranged. There is loose strands going from only part of the side. This could occur in violent actions. Her hair if arranged might go to one side but not have a sprig going from the middle of one side.
Conclusion it is definitely real.
Dr. Ronald Cutburth

In my further attempt to learn whether to put stock in this, I located this article:
Notice this line in the very opening of this powerful piece of information:
ast Thursday, another large Islam critical conference took place in Munich. Probably Germany’s bravest Journalist, Michael Mannheimer, was the showstopper who gave the presentation “Eurabia — the Capitulation of Europe to Islam.” For two and a half hours, he delivered highly interesting facts that present new information for well-read Islam critics.
Ah ha!
Do you see the "word" given me last evening?
Please take time to read this article and learn what we need to learn from it.
In the Hebrew language there is no word for: coincidence
I know that to be the truth of my life. God leads and guides me into ALL TRUTH!
None of this is happenstance or accidental!
Izzy Herriette & Co/Ginger Renken
With More Bold Statements
From The Bird's Eye View

Saturday, February 26, 2011

I don't know exactly what this pertains to, and yet, there are certainly many situations current which it could apply to:

I had turned in for the night when I heard the Holy Spirit speak the word "capitulate" to me.

That's it. Just the word: capitulate

So now we watch and pray!

With More Bold Statements
From The Bird's Eye View
Izzy Herriette & Co/Ginger Renken

Thursday, February 24, 2011

(Google Royalty Free Images)

I am instructed by the Holy Spirit to share a dream I had several nights ago ... now:

I was riding in a vehicle with someone, and had the knowing that I was "scouting out" a place to live; a new residence. As we drove along a long road, seemingly in a countryside local, I caught glimpse of a place from the corner of my eye.

The driver was racing at such a clip that I really was not being allowed the time to survey anything we passed. I saw a stone building, light butterscotch in color. (I can see it now as if I were truly there!) This was a massive building, sprawling from left to right and with several stories. The main floor had captured my attention. It would be absolutely elegant with a little TLC and the space, well, that's what we were looking for; some place where we could spread out and work all of our works.

There was one thing however, that could be a bit of a hindrance to the process of moving in and setting up. In the front yard, which we were looking at through a very foggy and somewhat eery atmosphere, were very tall and very black trees, fallen all over the gorgeous grounds.

I called out to the driver and instructed him to back up that we might have a much closer look. I exclaimed with excitement, "This is it! Yes! Even though the storm has left behind this that would have to be cleared from the grounds, prior, the place is magnificent and I would choose it over something already put together nicely! Let's do this."

I really wish I could have drawn a picture, or located an artist, or found a photo already resembling the scene but none of these is going to happen - I don't imagine.

Somehow, my mind continues to go back to the black fallen, storms and the well established and beautiful house behind all of the damage.

Now, think of governments as "houses" ... think of storms as political upheavals ... ones taking place in our world today ... in many nations ... think of the debris ... here at home (America) and abroad ...

THINK: Are there some "establishments" worthy of preservation?

Selah (Hebrew - Pause and calmly think on that.)

Pray with me, won't you?


Habakkuk 2:1,2

Izzy Herreitte & Co/Ginger Renken With
More Bold Statements
From The Bird's Eye View

Saturday, February 19, 2011

The White House? Explosion? Underground?

(Google - Royalty Free Image)

I so hesitate to post this but I can't get it out of my mind or spirit. Knowing that visions and dreams that I have, actually do come to pass, I post this only in sincere effort to arouse you unto prayer over it - if you would be moved to do so.

Yesterday afternoon, as I sat at the computer, suddenly a vision passed before my face:

I saw the White House. To the left of the building (facing the front), came a pipe-line. It was buried underground and ran directly beneath the White House. The pipe-line ran unto and ended at the center of the White House and then there was ... an explosion.

I do not understand whether this vision had natural or spiritual implications. It could very well mean that there is some kind of threat from the nations who supply our oil; whether it be a physical threat or otherwise.

I did step out to notify ministries, that I do notify of such things as this and I've been assured that their intercessors have given their immediate attention to the matter.

I prayed much yesterday and throughout the evening, whether this was something to share or not. Did I really see what I thought I saw. I tried time and again to shake the vision from myself but to no avail.

Therefore, I submit it to you for prayer.

I am praying as well.

God bless Israel, America and the nations.

Izzy Herriette & Co/Ginger Renken

Friday, February 4, 2011

two enormous steel plates colliding!

Just sharing ...

Last night, as I was retiring for the evening, I suddenly saw and heard two enormous steel plates colliding! The sound was startling and left me in wonderment. I have no explanation of it as yet. The last time I saw those plates like that, there was a major earthquake that followed soon after; in Haiti.

Watching and praying!

With More Bold Statements
From The Bird's Eye View
Izzy Herriette & Co/Ginger Renken