Obiesque: Japanese Kimono - wrap beneath breast-line and long flowing sleeves; folds in garment.
(This reminds me of the vision and words I received for the U.S., and the Statue of Liberty, recorded in Blog Archives to the bottom right of page on June 10, 2008.)
And I sense that these posts are disappearing before anyone has even had the chance to read and/or participate in intercession over them.
Lord, open the doors for partners!
As I post, I do so as one holding out a red hot burning coal in hand and I do it with full appreciation of the dynamics involved.
Sometimes, in light of all revelation being given me, I can't help but cry out to the Lord, "Is there an enormous 'diabolical plot' taking place somewhere in the earth at present?" I do so sense it, deep, deep down in my spirit man! I recall in my former years as a young Christian, hearing talk such as this, and thinking "what on earth"?
These things that I'm seeing and hearing these days, however, have all been either confirmed or have literally come to pass BEFORE MY EYES. This is exactly as He prophesied to me in the spring of 2004, when He spoke that these things would begin to happen, in days to come. I now, with prophesied information, stand as one gazing into a mysterious, non-imaginable phenomena unfolding itself out on a landscape before me.
These are not days as usual (not stealing the phrase from any other ministry, rather only quoting what the His words to me, in 2000, documented and certified mail for authenticity of said dates).
As far back as 1993, I was receiving strong prophetic songs speaking of a - WAR of a SPIRITUAL NATURE COMING - THE LIKES OF THE EARTH HAS NOT SEEN BEFORE!" Those words, resonating the atmosphere at that time, were met with somewhat of a "shattering" (if I can so term it as such); so out of sync they were back then. But I saw and felt the reality of it in my spirit man, much the same as Daniel in the Old Testament and John the Revelator in the New Testament. I have every one of those songs recorded to this day. And now ... now mine eyes have seen ... yes! ... and even are seeing ... that war ... come on the scene ... oh yes ... and just as He revealed to me that it would!
This post now:
This morning while in prayer I suddenly saw all black. Then there appeared in the blackness a red wrought iron fence, draped across every inch of the blackness. (Deep, deep red. Like that of a burner on an electric stove.) And I heard the words: "In the blackness, iron fence,wall, red."
This afternoon I Googled "iron wall" to learn that there is a movie:
(You will have to copy/paste in order to access.)
This article, as you will learn, is about the Gaza Strip, Palestinians, Israel, peace treaties ...
(You will benefit by reading it yourself. Please DO!)
About the film
In 1923 Vladimir Jabotinsky, leading intellectual of the Zionist movement and father of the right wing of that movement, wrote:
"Zionist colonization must either stop, or else proceed regardless of the native population. Which means that it can proceed and develop only under the protection of a power that is independent of the native population - behind an IRON WALL, which the native population cannot breach."
From that day these words became the official and unspoken policy of the Zionist movement and later the state of Israel. Settlements were used from the beginning to create a Zionist foothold in Palestine.
After 1967 and the occupation of the West Bank and Gaza, the aim of the settlement movement became clear - create facts on the ground and make the creation of a Palestinian state impossible. Thirty nine years of occupation and the policy started showing results. There are now more than 200 settlements and outposts scattered throughout the West Bank blocking the geographic possibility of a contiguous Palestinian territory.
The Iron Wall documentary exposes this phenomenon and follows the timeline, size, population of the settlements, and its impact on the peace process. This film also touches on the latest project to make the settlements a permanent fact on the ground - the wall that Israel is building in the West Bank and its impact on the Palestinian's peoples.
Settlements and related infrastructures are impacting every aspect of life for all Palestinians from land confiscation, theft of natural resources, confiscation of the basic human rights, creation of an apartheid-like system, to the devastating impact in regards to the future of the region and the prospect of the peace process.
Palestinians and Israelis began the peace process based on a very simple principle: land for peace. Settlements destroy that principle and create a land with no peace."
Further study:
Please take the time to study these.
I think you see the direction/implications or the school of thought here. I could give much more but I dare not yet. Please take what things have been posted here over the past few weeks and begin to fervently pray over it all! Thank you!
I continually (since Sept 15th when the Lord spoke "Adelweiss" to me), run across (in one way or another) Austria, Nazi occupation, 1945, etc.
Therefore, my prayers of intercession are directed according to and after these revelations. If you would care to join me ...
Sunday - October 18, 2009
Woke this morning with vision.
Vision: I saw a strip of theater lights in a horizontal position. Beneath the structure of lights was a large steel (rusted) type "hook" - large - and also in horizontal position.
Later in the day, my husband and I were walking through an antique store, when he spotted an antique violin that was of interest to him. As he was bent down in the floor, examining the treasure, my eye was drawn to the wall above. Hanging there, were two hooks, identical to the ones I had seen that morning in my vision. I'd never seen anything like these before. I pulled one of the hooks from the wall to try and find a label, tag, description. On the tag were these words: "hey/bale hook". My first impression was "The HARVEST - SOULS - KINGDOM OF GOD"!
Saturday - October 17, 2009
(This will definitely be a controversial, if not at least a questionable dream that I am about to share, however it is even exactly as I saw it - and so I speak it. And I do not have dreams like this unless they are from the Lord.)
Dream: I was walking down a long hallway with someone, who I considered myself to be in a marriage relationship with. We were walking, when without warning and upon approaching the end of the hallway, this person slipped ahead of me into a room. I was coming behind, following, and intending to enter that room as well. Conspicuously, the lights in the hallway abruptly turned "off" leaving me completely in the "dark"! Suddenly out of the dark, a hand emerged out of the blackness and placing itself sternly upon my left forearm. Another hand took my face and forced my mouth into an extreme fish like "pucker". Lips approached mine, and when I thought there would be a forced kiss, instead (brace yourself) some matter - like that of a liquid gel substance - was slipped (passed) to me. Then the dream ended.
Later the same day:
I was walking past the old cabinets in our place of dwelling, which house the restroom sinks. I suddenly had a vision of those old cabinets being removed and brand new/more modern/sophisticated cabinets replacing them; ones with the appearance of a piece of decorative furniture, as opposed to the functional/utility/service type. I walked out of that room, and passing through the living room where the television was on at the time, a commercial "just happened" to be playing. In the commercial, men were replacing a cabinet just like mine, for a cabinet just like the one I'd seen in the vision moments earlier.
I didn't catch the meaning of this until after I finished the above post included for this date. The date today is Nov. 9, 2009. The vision was given Oct. 15, 2009. Is this anything to do with our government or do I just need to get a new cabinet in my restroom?)
I'll just do as always and continue to press in! Hopefully I will find you there too. And I thank God today for those around the globe who are dedicated to the intercession of the Kingdom of God! God's rich blessings are upon them; this I know.
Friday - October 16, 2009
I awakened to a vision of a "document" before me, in the air, above me as I lay in bed; filling the entire space before me. It began moving, like a scroll.
The emphasis was on the length of the document but more importantly upon the "fine print." The lettering was so fine that one would not be able to decipher apart from a magnifying glass!
I'm not sure of the meaning. With the "health-care reform on the table," as it is at this very moment ...
I am praying ... and asking ... and seeking ... and knocking ... and I will eventually know!
Later in the day:
I was working at my desk, on the blog sites for Izzy Herriette & Co. I was reaching out in prayer to the Lord, inquiring with great fervency His directives for my future, when all at once I heard him utter this word so clearly to me: compiere.
Compiere: (Italian Translation - Collins English Dictionary) - to carry out, fulfill, finish, complete, to carry out one's duty, to do a good deed, to end, to be fulfilled, to come true.
(I don't speak any language other than English and I had not previously heard the word "compiere". So, I believe it to be from Him.)
I found another definition to be of interest to me, in light of the "like information" the Lord has been insistently bringing before me over these past few years, and even heavier over these past months and weeks:
Com·piègne (k

And as always, we must forge forward and continue to allow the Holy Spirit to lead and guide us as we intercede!
My question by now, quite candidly, would have to be nothing less than, "Why does He continue to lead me to places that speak of Nazis, Adolph Hitler,WWII and Israeli apartheid?"
Izzy Herriette & Co
With Bold Statements
From the Bird's Eye View
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