Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Hope You're Checking? We appreciate those of you who will 'hook up' with our prophetic targets (as revealed by the Holy Spirit) for intercession.

CBN News - October 6, 2008 - A story headline: The Mideast: More Complex, More Dangerous by Chris Mitchell - speaking of Russia "flexing her muscles in arms sales to Israel's enemies, Syria and Iran" - is direct fulfillment of a prophetic vision I posted here on this site on June 8, 2006. The vision itself, I received on June 6, 2008. (Go back and read the exact wording and then compare with the news report's wording: Google CBN News for report dated 10/06/08.)

I am seriously seeking intercessors to hear and pray over the words that I receive from Him. I know that they are authentic, thus, the need to rally prayers to pray!

If you're led, please contact me. In the meantime, please pass this site address on to those you may know, who are intercessors. Ask them to keep watch over the site and to stay abreast with the Head's Up posted here, from the Lord.


From The Bird's Eye View

Izzy Herriette

1 comment:

  1. oldest son studied film, and is a digital annimator and game designer presently. He also has a great apitude for history...especially war history. Yesterday he was telling me about a giant video game that 'gamers' play has people from all over the world playing who are real die hard gamers. They can make their own aliances and tactics...anything the really mature war gamers love it is more like life. He told me an alliance was formed that was so large that noone else could beat them on the web. So a mercinary call went out to all the other take down the large unbeatable aliance. He said a year went by quietly...there did not seem to be anything up. But the 'mercinaries' had all taken up new alias's...joined the original alliance under false names...and worked themselves to the top...even to second in command. Then the second in command talked the first into taking their best ships out to sea...where he turned on him as the attack also came from 'within' to take down the giant aliance. My son writes game code...and the Lord has told me recently in dreams that he is brillient (which of course we kind of thought) and under utilized. So when he told me this giant mouth fell open. I thought...that is how you take down a super power...deception and infiltration and undeserved trust. Well...I just thought to share it with we are praying for our nation. michele
