Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Undulate ...

Just wanting to share with our readers that last night (middle of the night) the LORD awakened me to hear the word: UNDULATE

I am seeking Him for the clear understanding of why He spoke this particular word. This morning, while reading the definition of "undulate" and meditating upon it before the LORD, I sensed that this is something that could be "good" or it could be a WARNING for prayer, regarding the decisions that our nation made this past week with Iran.

verb: undulate; 3rd person present: undulates; past tense: undulated; past participle:undulated; gerund or present participle: undulating
  1. 1.
    move with a smooth wavelike motion.
    "her body undulated to the thumping rhythm of the music"
    synonyms:rise and fall, surgeswellheaveripplebillowflowrollMore
    • have a wavy form or outline.
      "delightful views over undulating countryside"
adjective: undulate
  1. 1.
    (esp. of a leaf) having a wavy surface or edge.

I ask you to add your prayers of intercession (Holy Spirit led) to ours, regarding this matter of interest to the LORD.

Our prayers, as always, for Israel, America and all nations of the world at this particular "monumental moment in the history of mankind"!

God richly bless and keep each of you and make His face to shine upon you!

Izzy Herriette & Co

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

The "oddest" visions ...


Saw an "elephant with painted toenails" in a vision a few mornings ago. Have been seeking the LORD about that since. I'm sure you're all familiar with the way that the "saying" is normally used:

Praying about how this fits the most "obvious and striking happenings" in the Kingdom of God today!

If it makes sense to your "understanding of the times", add your prayers of intercession to the God-given vision!

Our great blessings and our prayers over all of you and over the NATIONS, at this very time!! Amen

Izzy Herriette & Co

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Prophetic Prayer Alert/Sparks Flying ...

In all of our teaching here at Izzy Herriette & Co, we endeavor to be faithful to the calling that God has placed upon us, to "speak forth" that which He reveals to us by His Holy Spirit and to share His Word as it applies to our lives in "this day".

Today, I am led to share with you a vision the LORD imparted to me, just prior to this most recent chemical attack in Syria:

I saw on a sandy, ground: downed electric wires. All huddled together in a small area on the ground. These many wires were all dancing and flirting about wildly in that close proximity. Sparks were flying everywhere. I sensed an "intensity" in the Holy Spirit and then the LORD spoke, "Watch this situation in the Middle East now. This is depictive of that. Watch it gain great clash, severity and momentum! WATCH AND PRAY!!"

Even as we do on this particular Blog, we have shared with you, yet another Prophetic Prayer Alert! Now we ask that those of you who follow and believe, will obey and take this to the LORD in intercession with the Holy Spirit, who gave it. AMEN.

All GLORY, HONOR and PRAISE be to our Heavenly Father in "this day"! We are so thankful that He is in us to lead, guide and direct us into all truth and that by that truth, we are continually made FREE!


Izzy Herriette & Co

Monday, April 8, 2013

Ways and Means

I have no understanding of the "heads up" at this time but I heard the LORD this morning, clearly speak this to me: Ways and Means

Faithful to put the "word" out for any who will lift up prayers of intercession and be watching for what will come out in the news regarding this .

Rom 8: 26,27 Likewise the Spirit also helps in our weaknesses. For we do not know what we should pray for as we ought, but the Spirit Himself makes intercession for us[a] with groanings which cannot be uttered.  Now He who searches the hearts knows what the mind of the Spirit is, because He makes intercession for the saints according to the will of God.

Blessings to all who are watching and praying! Amen.

Izzy Herriette & Co / Ginger Renken 

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

"When the USA is PULLING TROOPS from the nations ...

Prophetic Word / Feb 20, 2013 / 12 p.m. -

I saw an enormous crowd of people, standing attentively and in formation, behind an enclosure with GATE closed before them. Suddenly, the gate LIFTED and I heard the LORD say, "I am getting ready to RELEASE My NEW GENERATION of leaders, who will go forth with might and power, to carry out the WORK I've ordained for 'this day'! They will cover the earth and perform deeds appropriate for the time that is at hand. Watch, look for them because they will be coming forth in soon coming days. You will SEE and HEAR them!"

The LORD then spoke these words, "At a time with the USA is PULLING TROOPS from the nations, I will be SENDING TROOPS to the nations! Again, WATCH and SEE!"


Blessings on the sharing of divine utterance, today!

Izzy Herriette & Co

Friday, January 18, 2013

Curious visions in early morning hours ...

It's been some time since we've had something to share on this site but last evening ...

Actually around 1:00 a.m., as I lay my head down to sleep, I experienced an open vision.

This is one, like so many others I've had, that is going to be very, very difficult to describe. I was lying there "awake" and suddenly, stealthily and not abruptly but with absolution, I saw "everything close in and shut down" over something  - lights out - in other words!!  Whatever had been up and running, was no longer able to do so. This was a complete seizure!

This morning, four hours later, I had just awakened (somewhat) when suddenly another open vision.

This time I was standing directly above, hovering in close proximity over an enormous, round and rusted steel machine/wheel. This was a part of something, like a wheel within a wheel, an entity functioning. It was a circle in the middle of a square, the circle making up for ninety percent of the whole. Suddenly, but very slowly, everything started to, as if in slow motion, come to a halt!! I was made to watch a second by second, play by play, as a grinding down took place which led to a severe lock-up. This was an extremely, weighty, heavy steel, rusted machine, not oiled in ages. I could feel an "immensity" (so difficult to put into words) of something that was dying an extreme death. This was something that had been a powerful force for a very, very long time, prior. Like a neglected, antiquated, retiring machine, every step to the very end and ultimately to "the end" was of great magnitude! This entity had been, all of it's days and still was even at this time as it was winding down, an unstoppable force; a formerly powerful, massive-moving, highly progressive thing.

I need to add (days later) something that continues to "nudge" at me and that is the need to mention that in the first vision, this entity moving in to "shut something down", came in from the right side. It is significant.  In the second vision, the wheel was grinding to a halt, moving in leftward motion or counterclockwise. This too is significant.

Stranger visions have been posted here on the Izzy Speaking Today blog, that have come to pass.

These were God-given visions and I am praying for our nation and the nations of our world.

Given this information heavenly information I now come to you and ask once again and ask for your sincere prayers of intercession; always remembering the scripture we use for that:

Romans 8:26-27

King James Version (KJV)
26 Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities: for we know not what we should pray for as we ought: but the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered.
27 And he that searcheth the hearts knoweth what is the mind of the Spirit, because he maketh intercession for the saints according to the will of God.

God bless each of you as we stand together boldly before the throne of God with our petitions!

Izzy Herriette & Co