Four days ago, the Lord reminded me of a vision that He'd given me while attending the 400th Commemorative Celebration in Virginia Beach,VA in April 2007. The vision (at that time) gripped me so much so that I drew it on a piece of paper, took it to the front of a packed out meeting in progress, handed it to the usher and asked that it be given to Pastor Geminez (who was conducting the meetings there at Rock Church).
I saw a flag pole with the American flag lying on the ground at the base. I then saw another flag pole with the American flag flying high. Written on the flag were these letters: I.O.U.
How interesting to hear on the news this evening, that the government of the United States of America, is now sending out I.O.U checks to cover their regularly scheduled bills/obligations! Not to mention the enormous "deficit" facing our country now.
I know that the Lord prophesies and yet I never cease to be amazed when I actually see the fulfillment of one or any of those prophecies. He is GOOD!
And oh how we need to stand in the gap for our world at present!