While you're taking your "morning cup of java" this morning ...
Please know that there are many who are drinking from "a cup," per se, of "trembling"!
So many in our world today are dealing with situations and circumstances unimaginable to them; pressing to see their way through to a better day.
I will share here with you this morning, yet another warning that came to me as my head hit my pillow late last night. As a matter of fact I had just drifted off when suddenly I was awakened with a "hideous sound"; the one I've heard and reported in times such as before the tsunami in Japan. This one however, made that vision look SMALL!
I'm coming to you for the purpose of seeking your intercession! Rom 8:26,27
Let's really take these things before the throne of God! Amen?
God richly reward you for doing so.
Izzy Herriette & Co/Ginger Renken
From The Bird's Eye View