Tuesday, September 29, 2009

It would seem, according to the "day long pulling aside" on Tuesday September 15, 2009 (personally) by the Holy Spirit, that MUCH IS TAKING PLACE:


Even though, at times in the Holy Spirit, He doesn't reveal "all";
He can reveal enough for a person to experience a "knowing" that something is happening somewhere!

Today I want to share several things and these all from that Tuesday 9/15/09:

1) I will post an email that I received this morning regarding terrorist attacks against the U.S., and this having to do with the next attacks on America, via our communications systems.

There are conflicting facts and opinions over this article, which you can read for yourself through Google. However, the timing of it for me was "striking" in light of the numerous alerts given by the Holy Spirit regarding the invasion of "Patriot Act" (shared on September 15th and 16th).
2) I will also post a link I found on Google that goes along with a "WORD" that the Lord spoke to me this past Saturday morning (Sept 26. 2009). He gave no explanation, just the WORD: "MEGIDO"
Armageddon is, in the West, symbolic of the the war that ends all wars, a terrible battle, a nuclear holocaust. The hill (har) of Megiddo is the place ...)
Megiddo (məgĭd`ō), city, ancient Palestine, by the Kishon River on the southern edge of the plain of Esdraelon, N of Samaria, located at present-day Tel ...
(Just click on the bullet titles for easy access.)
Of course, you will find much more information on the Google page for Megido, and you can do your own research there as well.

3) I will share with you that over the past four to five days (my mother as witness) I have been experiencing, once again, the same emotions (trembling, shaking and deep unexplainable weeping), that I experienced back in May 2004,when the Lord spoke to me that something was coming that would cause our earth to be "moved from it's axis." The Indonesia Tsunami that hit in December 2004, did indeed move the earth from it's axis. Now today, we are beginning to hear of the latest tsunami to hit and are just beginning to hear the release of those details through national news stations. (Thus my experience again? I would assume the affirmative!)

It's so easy... to just want to... "take a break"...
from these "pressing matters" that matter so, that they truly demand our attention, and at very least our earnest prayers... as Watchmen... as Intercessors!

We can't afford... to "look away"...!

I know that the Holy Spirit brings the necessary refreshing for us to continue on! That, and His superabundant GRACE!

God bless you as you intercede. God bless America. And God bless all nations.

September 16, 2009

Several days prior to this day, I was walking through the antique mall that I visit (a place that I collect much of what I have used as "props" to share on these blogs), at which time I was drawn to a little book titled: "The Greatest Invention of the Past 2,000 Years" - Author John Brockman. My initial overall view led me to think, Well, this would work well for messages, as an interjection. However, I did not purchase the book that day.

On this day, upon yet another visit to that "place," I was once again drawn to the same little book. This time, apart from my true approval but rather by the prompting of the Holy Spirit, the book ended up in my cart.

That evening, my husband wanted to go "car shopping" again. I rode along. After chilling in the cool fall air, I decided to return to the our vehicle and wait for him. I opened this little book to break the monotony of the moment. As I looked down and began to read in this "random" spot that I had opened to, here were these words...

"DAVID HAIG - The Computer - My suggestion for the most important invention of the last two millennia is the computer, because of the way it extends the capacities of the human mind for accurately performing large numbers of calculations and keeping track of and accessing vast bodies of data. Like any great invention, these enhanced abilities have a light and dark side. As a scientist, I am now able to answer questions that I could not have answered before the development of the computer. On the dark side is the 'loss of privacy' and the enhanced potential for social control made possible by the ability to manipulate large databases of personal information.

David Haig is an evolutionary biologist and an assistant professor in the Department of Organismic and Evolutionary Biology at Harvard University." (pg 85)

I recommend, for many reasons, that Christians read this "little book" with "big - expressed power; ability; intent; - implications to place immediate impressions of change upon our society"!

So, there it was again! Repeated from just days before: invasion of that "privacy" in our country!

When things such as these "begin to brew" in my life, I KNOW that it is time to LOOK UP - AND HOOK UP WITH WHAT I'M SEEING - ONCE I'VE LOOKED UP!
(A prophetic word given me in 2000 - "Begin to look for the Bird's Eye View of things. In days to come it will be 'crucial' for the Church to do so!")

Time to pray again!


Sunday, September 27, 2009

Catching up again ...

September 15, 2009

Quite a day ...

Firstly, with the Lord speaking to me through three separate avenues and bringing (in a bold way), my attention to: 1) enemy of the state; 2) public enemy number one; and each of these having to do with the issue of the Patriot Act.

Secondly, He spoke to me about a part in the book I'd written in 2004 "Manifesto-Before the Cock Crows," where He'd given revelation concerning a biochemical situation in the future; this followed (in book) by two dreams of myself sharing this information with the then, President of the United States of America, and witnessing his already all too "familiarity" with the information disclosed. (After actually writing the book and actually seeking out an interpretation from many, regarding that very portion of the book dealing with the biochemical warfare, I discovered only "one" who could accurately discern it, and that being an American Military person whom the Lord had told me ahead of time, would be the one to know.)

Thirdly, He spoke, "Adelweiss!" Upon Google search, I learned two things that "stood out"
1) The song was a song addressed to one's "homeland" that had been overcome by Nazi's; 'memories' were all that remained of that homeland
2) The song was about Austria

Fourthly, Later in the day I heard the words: London Gateway (Which I also Googled and learned that it is the latest and largest European port or Gateway for Commerce.)

The next day, I received an E-Alert from Cindy Jacobs Ministries, wherein was included an article about Janet Porter and her view of the Swine Flu vaccine. I identified "all of the three major words" spoken to me by the Holy Spirit the day before. (Those enlarged and highlighted here on this page.)

The following day,
Cindy sent another E-Alert, this one regarding a word that the Lord had given her while in Seattle, WA for a meeting. This "word" she had received, had to do with the "Gateway" to Seattle (the Holy Spirit had spoken to her); it was terminology the Lord used, as revelation for Seattle's place in things presently and in the future; as it applied to the Kingdom of God in the earth.

I am aware that these visions, dreams, words and revelations, may not make sense to everyone. To those who "have an ear to hear what the Spirit has to say" ...

The thing to do upon "hearing" - is to take it a step further - and use what you "hear" in earnest intercession!

I thank you!
