(Facebook Album/Izzy Herriette & Co/Ginger Renken/Original)
We continue to "blow the trumpet"!
This in light of a report I just heard over a ministry television program this past Wednesday. The minister heading the program stated that Cindy Jacobs had called him a few days before Easter to say, "Things will begin to 'speed up' now, ______!" This, she had been told by the Holy Spirit.
The minute I heard this report, I recalled the "word" given me and posted here on this blog, on March 5, 2011. I couldn't remember, on my own and apart from looking it up, what exact date the LORD had spoken this to me. Before searching the blog to find the posting, I thought that it may have been, following the earthquake in Japan. To my shock it was actually only a few days prior to the earthquake in Japan.
The two "words" confirm each other, at any rate, and I wanted to share this with all of you!
Do check out the post on March 5th, right here, on this page.
We must continue to WATCH AND PRAY!
God blessings to each of you who stay abreast with IZZY SPEAKING TODAY - to learn what the Spirit of God is saying - to the CHURCH!
Izzy Herriette & Co/Ginger Renken
From The Bird's Eye View
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