Sunday, June 24, 2012

Early, early morning ...

At 2:00 a.m. as I laid my head down to sleep, I heard these words, "Mubarak is dead."

I always question myself upon hearing things such as this.  I never want to be operating in my "flesh."  However, I know that I did hear this and it was a surprise to me when it came.

I'm not sure, at this point, if this meant Mubarak is physically dead or his "side" in Egypt is dead.

This report on Fox News this morning:

I am fully aware, by the Spirit of God, how important this situation is and it's relevancy as far as end-time scriptures are concerned:

Thank you for all intercession!!

Izzy Herriette & Co/Ginger Reken
From The Bird's Eye View

Monday, June 18, 2012

He Only Said, "Levee!"

What should the LORD speak to me this morning?  Only this word: levee

I'm seeking Him about it.  Maybe you'll join me.


Izzy Herriette & Co/Ginger Renken

Monday, June 11, 2012

Prayers for ISRAEL?

Wow! How He speaks to me!!

Last night, in the night, the Lord awakened me to show me a ball with many points upon it; likened unto a star. Then I heard Him say, "Sixty pointed star!"

Today, when it came back to mind, I googled and this is what I found (below).

I love the way He works with me. He knows what I'll do and what I'll find as a result.

I'd say we need to be praying for ISRAEL, wouldn't you?

Thank you for your intercession!!

Might I suggest that you listen to this song as you pray for Israel!


Izzy Herriette & Co/Ginger Renken
From The Bird's Eye View

Lyrics: Tania Yegelwel, Music: Deborah J. McDuffie Tania Shana Music (ASCAP) Miz McD Music (ASCAP) CH:

Music & Lyrics: Tania Yegelwel, Music: Deborah J. McDuffie
Tania Shana Music (ASCAP)
Miz McD Music (ASCAP)
I wear around my neck
this six pointed star
For the six million,
remember who they are

Sixty years ago
they’d put me behind bars
For wearing so proudly
this six pointed star
They were singers,
they were painters
My kin and also strangers

They were fathers,
they were mothers
They were daughters,
they were brothers
They were poets,
they were writers
There were the weak,
and too, the fighters
They were fathers,
they were mothers
They were daughters,
they were brothers

Children learning to better the world
Old wise men, sweet little girls
The confused, the faithful, skeptics alike
Chasing their dreams while living their lives

Behind each face there holds a story
Of hardships and of glory
Deserved a life like you and me
To dream their dreams
Symbol of my history
God is surrounding me
For always and ever
For always