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Reporting that last night, in middle of the night, I had another one of "those" dreams. This one, I was sitting atop a house - on the roof - floodwaters threatening to swallow - within inches.
I will share with you that in thirty-one years of hearing from the LORD and having so many dreams, visions and divine utterances (all of which have come to pass); I have never had these dreams before! Therefore, it has to be something of great significance. If only it is a STRONG plea to pray for what flooding has already taken place in Japan and elsewhere ...
Plus ...
I saw this, which I've never seen before either and I can't begin to print it here, as large as I saw it in the dream:
W A R N I N G!
I AM PRAYING! Thank you, for doing the same!
Izzy Herriette & Co/Ginger Renken
Coming From The Bird's Eye View
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