Friday, February 4, 2011

two enormous steel plates colliding!

Just sharing ...

Last night, as I was retiring for the evening, I suddenly saw and heard two enormous steel plates colliding! The sound was startling and left me in wonderment. I have no explanation of it as yet. The last time I saw those plates like that, there was a major earthquake that followed soon after; in Haiti.

Watching and praying!

With More Bold Statements
From The Bird's Eye View
Izzy Herriette & Co/Ginger Renken


  1. I had a dream but only heard the sounds loud and distinct, I forced my self to awake and began to pray,
    This was the night after the quake in ChristChurch
    I was in Christ Church at the time.

  2. There are so many prophetic voices declaring these types of disasters; and given what recently happened in New Zealand and yesterday in Japan, how can anyone not sit up and take notice?!

    At the same time, it's difficult to know what to do. Most people can't just leave their homes and places of business to flee to a safer place.

    And how do we pray??? Last night as I watched the disasters unfolding in Japan, I reached a point in my praying that words failed me. All I could do was cry..... not so much for the structural and financial devastation, but for the souls lost, most of whom (in Japan anyway) had/have pledged their love and their lives to false gods. Where are they now....? Never mind. I know the answer. I just don't WANT to know....

    Ohhhh, Papa God! I believe these disasters are to shake us out of our comfort zones and to cause not-yet believers to turn to You, the one true living God. Help us, your Church, to not become complacent in reaching out to others with the love of Christ and Your glorious Gospel. Clearly, the signs of Your coming are all around us! Can we truly say we know You and love You and NOT try to rescue our friends, neighbors, family members when it's that love that should compel us to do everything possible to bring them into the Family of God!?!

    Encourage us, Lord! Strengthen and embolden us to reach out to those in the mission field in which You've placed each of us. Grant us divine appointments and give us the words that YOU know will pierce their hearts and draw them in. We know that You are not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance and faith in Christ. Help us, the laborers in Your vineyard, to be as passionate about the lost as You are! I pray this in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus the Christ, knowing that it is Your pleasure to grant all that I have asked here. Amen.

  3. thank you both for your comments!!

    Anonymous: you were in Christ Church in your dream or ... ? (So thankful for prayer warriors out there in this day! Need every single one!!)

    Iss4him: I completely agree with every word in your writing/prayer!!

    Blessings to you both.

    Izzy Herriette & Co/Ginger Renken
