Wednesday, February 25, 2009

January 5, 2009 - In the night.

This date is out of order
, but rather than go back and redo, I will surrender to it being out of order for now.

This dream is one that I hesitate to share, thus the reason for it being at first thought "left out". As I prayed about it after the last posting, I felt impressed that it needed to be revealed, for the sake of those of whom it speaks.

Dream: In this dream I was observing a man and his wife, positioned at the helm of a ship; a cruise-liner. They were the only persons there in that spot. I then saw people begin coming up the stairs, passing the couple as they made their way to the back of the ship. I all of a sudden noticed that the woman holding to the front rail, walking back and forth, talking away at her husband, who was facing her off at a distance, further towards the back of the ship (maybe ten feet from her) - was not properly clothed. As a matter of fact, she was completely "naked and exposed". The boarders were staring at her, as they continued to move along. None of them disturbed enough to say anything or to offer a "cover". The husband was rather enjoying his wife disrobed and not really listening to a word she was saying; oblivious to the puzzled onlookers. The woman soon realized that she was missing something! She immediately tried to find a room to shower and dress in. She located a facility, directly behind her husband, only to see that it was way too small for her use. A woman then appeared from an enclosed area on the ship and began to lead the woman towards a more suitable spot/shower. The husband followed behind. After having gone some distance, the woman remembered her luggage and purse, which she'd forgotten and left behind at their previous location on the ship. She began to ponder the idea that her husband hadn't been concerned with her nakedness before the people. He hadn't offered to "cover" her - to protect her. Neither had he seen to it that her luggage or purse were brought along, thus leaving her to feel that he was certainly non-attentive to her needs - non-caring, irresponsible and far from filling his role as a good, loving, mature husband.

I pray that you don't stumble over the content of this dream.

I believe this woman to be Israel. I believe this man to be America.

Israel was exposed to the world in this recent war. The husband represented those who should have been found standing with her as a covering. Instead, the "husband," again, stood by and watched as the rest of the world gaped and took on their own opinions, contributing to the raping of Israel. When the woman in the dream went to find a place to shower and dress, that was representative of Israel's decision to protect herself, to take the necessary initiative to do the responsible, appropriate thing! And instead of having the world agree with that stance, which would have been portrayed by the negligence of the husband to at least bring along the luggage and her purse for her, they left her on her own with no proper support at all!

America! I wonder who might be doing the same thing to you right now? How "undressed" are we at this very moment, as a nation? How is our government's provision for our protection right now? How many are gaping upon our "nakedness"? Will the leadership of our wonderful country, be the one to at least bring the luggage and the purse now, in hopes that all things not be lost and stolen from us?

I'll leave this for your pondering.


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